Nicholas Morrow Williams
Publication Year:
Imitations of the Self reevaluates the poetry of Jiang Yan (444–505), long underappreciated because of its pervasive reliance on allusion, by emphasizing the self-conscious artistry of imitation. In context of “imitation poetry,” the popular genre of the Six Dynasties era, Jiang’s work can be seen as the culmination of central trends in Six Dynasties poetry. His own life experiences are encoded in his poetry through an array of literary impersonations, reframed in traditional literary forms that imbue them with renewed significance. A close reading of Jiang Yan’s poetry demonstrates the need to apply models of interpretation to Chinese poetry that do justice to the multiplicity of authorial self-representation.
Table of Contents:
Preliminary Material
Introduction—The Double Voice
1 A Brocade of Words: Theories of Poetic Imitation
2 The Reciprocal Origins of Pentasyllabic Verse and of Imitation Poetry
3 Impersonation and the Art of Authorship
4 Echoing through the Rafters: The Afterlife of Jian’an
5 Self-Portrait as Sea Anemone, and Other Impersonations of Jiang Yan
6 Jiang Yan’s Allusive and Illusive Journeys
7 Pathways in Obscurity: Jiang Yan and Ruan Ji
Appendix: Jiang Yan’s Poems in Diverse Forms
Works Cited
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Publication Year:
Table of Contents:
【本 編】
1 宋→倭国 孝武帝の詔、大明六年(四六二)条
2 倭国→宋 倭王武の上表、昇明二年(四七八)条
3 倭国→隋 致書、大業三年(六〇七)条
4 隋→倭国 慰労詔書、推古十六年(六〇八)八月壬子(十二日)条
5 倭国→隋 慰労詔書、推古十六年(六〇八)九月辛巳(十一日)条
6 日本→新羅 慰労詔書、慶雲三年(七〇六)正月丁亥(十二日)条
7 日本→新羅 慰労詔書、慶雲三年(七〇六)十一月癸卯(三日)条
8 日本→新羅の金順貞 勅書、神亀三年(七二六)七月戊子(十三日)条
9 渤海→日本 王啓、神亀五年(七二八)正月甲寅(十七日)条
10 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、神亀五年(七二八)四月壬午(十六日)条
11 唐→日本 論事勅書、開元二十三年(七三五)
12 渤海→日本 王啓、天平十一年(七三九)十二月戊辰(十日)条
13 新羅→日本 奏/日本→新羅 詔、天平勝宝四年(七五二)六月己丑(十四日)条
14 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、天平勝宝五年(七五三)六月丁丑(八日)条
15 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、天平宝字三年(七五九)二月戊戌朔条
16 渤海→日本 中台省牒、天平宝字三年(七五九)十月辛亥(十八日)条
17 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、宝亀三年(七七二)二月己卯(二十八日)条
18 日本→渤海 慰労詔書・弔喪書、宝亀八年(七七七)五月癸酉(二十三日)条
19 日本→新羅 慰労詔書、宝亀十一年(七八〇)二月庚戌(十五日)条
20 渤海→日本 王啓・告喪啓、延暦十五年(七九六)四月戊子(二十七日)条
21 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、延暦十五年(七九六)五月丁未(十七日)条
22 渤海→日本 王啓、延暦十五年(七九六)十月己未(二日)条
23 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、延暦十七年(七九八)五月戊戌(十九日)条
24 渤海→日本 王啓、延暦十七年(七九八)十二月壬寅(二十七日)条
25 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、延暦十八年(七九九)四月己丑(十五日)条
26 渤海→日本 王啓、延暦十八年(七九九)九月辛酉(二十日)条
27 渤海→日本 王啓、弘仁元年(八一〇)九月丙寅(二十九日)条
28 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、弘仁二年(八一一)正月丁巳(二十二日)条
29 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、弘仁六年(八一五)正月甲午(二十二日)条
30 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、弘仁七年(八一六)五月丁卯(二日)条
31 渤海→日本 王啓、弘仁十年(八一九)十一月甲午(二十日)条
32 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、弘仁十一年(八二〇)正月甲午(二十一日)条
33 渤海→日本 王啓、弘仁十二年(八二一)十一月乙巳(十三日)条
34 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、弘仁十三年(八二二)正月癸丑(二十一日)条
35 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、天長三年(八二六)五月辛巳(十五日)条
36 新羅→日本 執事省牒、承和三年(八三六)十二月丁酉(三日)条
37 渤海→日本 王啓・別状・中台省牒、承和九年(八四二)三月辛丑(六日)条
38 日本→渤海 慰労詔書・太政官牒、承和九年(八四二)四月丙子(十二日)条
39 渤海→日本 王啓・中台省牒、嘉祥二年(八四九)三月戊辰(十四日)条
40 日本→渤海 慰労詔書・太政官牒、嘉祥二年(八四九)五月乙丑(十二日)条
41 渤海→日本 王啓・中台省牒、貞観元年(八五九)五月十日乙丑条
42 日本→渤海 慰労詔書・太政官牒、貞観元年(八五九)六月二十三日丁未条
43 渤海→日本 王啓・中台省牒、貞観十四年(八七二)五月十八日乙丑条
44 日本→渤海 慰労詔書・太政官牒、貞観十四年(八七二)五月二十五日甲午条
45 渤海→日本 王啓・中台省牒、元慶元年(八七七)四月十八日己丑条
46 日本→渤海 太政官牒、元慶元年(八七七)
47 日本→渤海 太政官牒、寛平四年(八九二)
48 日本→渤海 法皇賜渤海裴〓書、延喜八年(九〇八)
49 日本→渤海 賜渤海国大使裴〓位記、延喜二十年(九二〇)
50 東丹→日本 怠状、延長八年(九三〇)
Publication Year:
Table of Contents:
【本 編】
1 宋→倭国 孝武帝の詔、大明六年(四六二)条
2 倭国→宋 倭王武の上表、昇明二年(四七八)条
3 倭国→隋 致書、大業三年(六〇七)条
4 隋→倭国 慰労詔書、推古十六年(六〇八)八月壬子(十二日)条
5 倭国→隋 慰労詔書、推古十六年(六〇八)九月辛巳(十一日)条
6 日本→新羅 慰労詔書、慶雲三年(七〇六)正月丁亥(十二日)条
7 日本→新羅 慰労詔書、慶雲三年(七〇六)十一月癸卯(三日)条
8 日本→新羅の金順貞 勅書、神亀三年(七二六)七月戊子(十三日)条
9 渤海→日本 王啓、神亀五年(七二八)正月甲寅(十七日)条
10 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、神亀五年(七二八)四月壬午(十六日)条
11 唐→日本 論事勅書、開元二十三年(七三五)
12 渤海→日本 王啓、天平十一年(七三九)十二月戊辰(十日)条
13 新羅→日本 奏/日本→新羅 詔、天平勝宝四年(七五二)六月己丑(十四日)条
14 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、天平勝宝五年(七五三)六月丁丑(八日)条
15 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、天平宝字三年(七五九)二月戊戌朔条
16 渤海→日本 中台省牒、天平宝字三年(七五九)十月辛亥(十八日)条
17 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、宝亀三年(七七二)二月己卯(二十八日)条
18 日本→渤海 慰労詔書・弔喪書、宝亀八年(七七七)五月癸酉(二十三日)条
19 日本→新羅 慰労詔書、宝亀十一年(七八〇)二月庚戌(十五日)条
20 渤海→日本 王啓・告喪啓、延暦十五年(七九六)四月戊子(二十七日)条
21 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、延暦十五年(七九六)五月丁未(十七日)条
22 渤海→日本 王啓、延暦十五年(七九六)十月己未(二日)条
23 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、延暦十七年(七九八)五月戊戌(十九日)条
24 渤海→日本 王啓、延暦十七年(七九八)十二月壬寅(二十七日)条
25 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、延暦十八年(七九九)四月己丑(十五日)条
26 渤海→日本 王啓、延暦十八年(七九九)九月辛酉(二十日)条
27 渤海→日本 王啓、弘仁元年(八一〇)九月丙寅(二十九日)条
28 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、弘仁二年(八一一)正月丁巳(二十二日)条
29 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、弘仁六年(八一五)正月甲午(二十二日)条
30 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、弘仁七年(八一六)五月丁卯(二日)条
31 渤海→日本 王啓、弘仁十年(八一九)十一月甲午(二十日)条
32 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、弘仁十一年(八二〇)正月甲午(二十一日)条
33 渤海→日本 王啓、弘仁十二年(八二一)十一月乙巳(十三日)条
34 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、弘仁十三年(八二二)正月癸丑(二十一日)条
35 日本→渤海 慰労詔書、天長三年(八二六)五月辛巳(十五日)条
36 新羅→日本 執事省牒、承和三年(八三六)十二月丁酉(三日)条
37 渤海→日本 王啓・別状・中台省牒、承和九年(八四二)三月辛丑(六日)条
38 日本→渤海 慰労詔書・太政官牒、承和九年(八四二)四月丙子(十二日)条
39 渤海→日本 王啓・中台省牒、嘉祥二年(八四九)三月戊辰(十四日)条
40 日本→渤海 慰労詔書・太政官牒、嘉祥二年(八四九)五月乙丑(十二日)条
41 渤海→日本 王啓・中台省牒、貞観元年(八五九)五月十日乙丑条
42 日本→渤海 慰労詔書・太政官牒、貞観元年(八五九)六月二十三日丁未条
43 渤海→日本 王啓・中台省牒、貞観十四年(八七二)五月十八日乙丑条
44 日本→渤海 慰労詔書・太政官牒、貞観十四年(八七二)五月二十五日甲午条
45 渤海→日本 王啓・中台省牒、元慶元年(八七七)四月十八日己丑条
46 日本→渤海 太政官牒、元慶元年(八七七)
47 日本→渤海 太政官牒、寛平四年(八九二)
48 日本→渤海 法皇賜渤海裴〓書、延喜八年(九〇八)
49 日本→渤海 賜渤海国大使裴〓位記、延喜二十年(九二〇)
50 東丹→日本 怠状、延長八年(九三〇)
Book 書介,
Diplomacy 外交,
Japan 日本,
Korea 韓國,
魏晉南北朝 Wei--Jin-Nan-Bei-Chao
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Reading Medieval Chinese Poetry : Text, Context, and Culture
Paul W. Kroll
Publication Year:
Nine renowned sinologists present a range of studies that display the riches of medieval Chinese verse in varied guises. All major verse-forms, including shi, fu, and ci, are examined, with a special focus on poetry’s negotiation with tradition and historical context. Dozens of previously untranslated works are here rendered in English for the first time, and readers will enter a literary culture that was deeply infused with imperatives of wit, learning, and empathy. Among the diverse topics met with in this volume are metaphysical poetry as a medium of social exchange, the place of ruins in Chinese poetry, the reality and imaginary of frontier borderlands, the enigma of misattribution, and how a 19th-century Frenchwoman discovered Tang poetry for the Western world.
Table of Contents:
- Paul W. Kroll
- Wendy Swartz
Trading Literary Competence: Exchange Poetry in the Eastern Jin
- Robert Joe Cutter
Shen Who Couldn't Write: Literary Relationships at the Court of Liu Jun
- David R. Knechtges
Ruin and Remembrance in Classical Chinese Literature: The "Fu On The Ruined City" (蕪城賦) by Bao Zhao 鮑照
- Ding Xiang Warner
An Offering to the Prince: Wang Bo's Apology for Poetry
- Timothy Wai Keung Chan
Beyond Border and Boudoir: The Frontier in the Poetry of the Four Elites of Early Tang
- Paul W. Kroll
Heyue yingling ji 河嶽英靈集 and the Attributes of High Tang Poetry
- Stephen Owen
Who Wrote That? Attribution in Northern Song Ci
- Ronald Egan
When There Is a Parallel Text in Prose: Reading Lu You's 陸游 1170 Yangzi River Journey in Poetry and Prose
- Pauline Yu
Judith Gautier and the Invention of Chinese Poetry
Paul W. Kroll
Publication Year:
Nine renowned sinologists present a range of studies that display the riches of medieval Chinese verse in varied guises. All major verse-forms, including shi, fu, and ci, are examined, with a special focus on poetry’s negotiation with tradition and historical context. Dozens of previously untranslated works are here rendered in English for the first time, and readers will enter a literary culture that was deeply infused with imperatives of wit, learning, and empathy. Among the diverse topics met with in this volume are metaphysical poetry as a medium of social exchange, the place of ruins in Chinese poetry, the reality and imaginary of frontier borderlands, the enigma of misattribution, and how a 19th-century Frenchwoman discovered Tang poetry for the Western world.
Table of Contents:
- Paul W. Kroll
- Wendy Swartz
Trading Literary Competence: Exchange Poetry in the Eastern Jin
- Robert Joe Cutter
Shen Who Couldn't Write: Literary Relationships at the Court of Liu Jun
- David R. Knechtges
Ruin and Remembrance in Classical Chinese Literature: The "Fu On The Ruined City" (蕪城賦) by Bao Zhao 鮑照
- Ding Xiang Warner
An Offering to the Prince: Wang Bo's Apology for Poetry
- Timothy Wai Keung Chan
Beyond Border and Boudoir: The Frontier in the Poetry of the Four Elites of Early Tang
- Paul W. Kroll
Heyue yingling ji 河嶽英靈集 and the Attributes of High Tang Poetry
- Stephen Owen
Who Wrote That? Attribution in Northern Song Ci
- Ronald Egan
When There Is a Parallel Text in Prose: Reading Lu You's 陸游 1170 Yangzi River Journey in Poetry and Prose
- Pauline Yu
Judith Gautier and the Invention of Chinese Poetry
Book 書介,
Literature 文學,
Travel 旅行,
魏晉南北朝 Wei--Jin-Nan-Bei-Chao
Thursday, December 11, 2014
A Student's Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese
Paul W. Kroll
William G. Boltz, David R. Knechtges, Y. Edmund Lien, Antje Richter, Matthias L. Richter, Ding Xiang Warner
Publication Year:
A Student’s Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese is the long-desired Chinese – English reference work for all those reading texts dating from the Warring States period through the Tang dynasty. Comprising 8,000+ characters, arranged alphabetically by Pinyin.
As a lexicon meant for practical use, it immensely facilitates reading and translating historical, literary, and religious texts dating from approximately 500 BCE to 1000 CE. Being primarily a dictionary of individual characters (zidian 字典) and the words they represent, it also includes an abundance of alliterative and echoic binomes (lianmianci 連綿詞) as well as accurate identifications of hundreds of plants, animals, and assorted technical terms in various fields. It aims to become the English-language resource of choice for all those seeking assistance in reading texts dating from the Warring States period through the Tang dynasty.
Previous Chinese-English dictionaries have persistently mixed together without clarification all eras and styles of Chinese. But written Chinese in its 3,000 year history has changed and evolved even more than English has in its mere millennium, with classical and medieval Chinese differing more from modern standard Chinese than the language ofBeowulf or even that of Chaucer differs from modern English. This dictionary takes the user straight into the language of early and medieval texts, without the confusion of including meanings that developed only after 1000 CE. An added feature of the dictionary is its identification of meanings that were not developed and attached to individual graphs until the medieval period (approximately 250-1000 CE), setting these off where possible from earlier usages of the same graphs.
Those who have, or are acquiring, a basic understanding of classical grammar, whether approaching the language from a background either in modern Chinese or Japanese, will find it eases their labors appreciably and helps to solve countless problems of interpretation. Advanced students will find it to be the one reference work they want always close at hand.
The dictionary has an index by “radical” and stroke-number, and contains various appendices, including one with reign-eras and exact accession dates of emperors given according to both Chinese and Western calendars.
Paul W. Kroll
William G. Boltz, David R. Knechtges, Y. Edmund Lien, Antje Richter, Matthias L. Richter, Ding Xiang Warner
Publication Year:
A Student’s Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese is the long-desired Chinese – English reference work for all those reading texts dating from the Warring States period through the Tang dynasty. Comprising 8,000+ characters, arranged alphabetically by Pinyin.
As a lexicon meant for practical use, it immensely facilitates reading and translating historical, literary, and religious texts dating from approximately 500 BCE to 1000 CE. Being primarily a dictionary of individual characters (zidian 字典) and the words they represent, it also includes an abundance of alliterative and echoic binomes (lianmianci 連綿詞) as well as accurate identifications of hundreds of plants, animals, and assorted technical terms in various fields. It aims to become the English-language resource of choice for all those seeking assistance in reading texts dating from the Warring States period through the Tang dynasty.
Previous Chinese-English dictionaries have persistently mixed together without clarification all eras and styles of Chinese. But written Chinese in its 3,000 year history has changed and evolved even more than English has in its mere millennium, with classical and medieval Chinese differing more from modern standard Chinese than the language ofBeowulf or even that of Chaucer differs from modern English. This dictionary takes the user straight into the language of early and medieval texts, without the confusion of including meanings that developed only after 1000 CE. An added feature of the dictionary is its identification of meanings that were not developed and attached to individual graphs until the medieval period (approximately 250-1000 CE), setting these off where possible from earlier usages of the same graphs.
Those who have, or are acquiring, a basic understanding of classical grammar, whether approaching the language from a background either in modern Chinese or Japanese, will find it eases their labors appreciably and helps to solve countless problems of interpretation. Advanced students will find it to be the one reference work they want always close at hand.
The dictionary has an index by “radical” and stroke-number, and contains various appendices, including one with reign-eras and exact accession dates of emperors given according to both Chinese and Western calendars.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Dao Companion to the Analects
Olberding, Amy
Publication Year:
This volume surveys the major philosophical concepts, arguments, and commitments of the Confucian classic, the Analects. In thematically organized chapters, leading scholars provide a detailed, scholarly introduction to the text and the signal ideas ascribed to its protagonist, Confucius.
The volume opens with chapters that reflect the latest scholarship on the disputed origins of the text and an overview of the broad commentarial tradition it generated. These are followed by chapters that individually explore key areas of the text’s philosophical landscape, articulating both the sense of concepts such as ren, li, and xiao as well as their place in the wider space of the text. A final section addresses prominent interpretive challenges and scholarly disputes in reading the Analects, evaluating, for example, the alignment between the Analects and contemporary moral theory and the contested nature of its religious sensibility.
Dao Companion to the Analects offers a comprehensive and complete survey of the text's philosophical idiom and themes, as well as its history and some of the liveliest current debates surrounding it. This book is an ideal resource for both researchers and advanced students interested in gaining greater insight into one of the earliest and most influential Confucian classics.
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction, Amy Olberding.
- Part I Text and Context.-
2. History and Formation of the Analects, Tae Hyun Kim and Mark Csikszentmihalyi.-
3. The Commentarial Tradition, John B. Henderson and On-Cho Ng.-
4. Confucius and His Communit, Yuet Keung Lo.
- Part II The Conceptual Landscape.-
5. Ren 仁: An Exemplary Life, Karyn Lai.-
6. Ritual and Rightness in the Analect, Hagop Sarkissian.-
7. Family Reverence (xiao 孝) in the Analects:
Confucian Role Ethics and the Dynamics of Intergenerational Transmission, Roger T. Ames and Henry Rosemont Jr..-
8. Language and Ethics in the Analects, Hui Chieh Loy.-
9. Uprightness, Indirection, Transparency, Lisa Raphals.-
10. Cultivating the Self in Concert with Others, David B. Wong.-
11. Perspectives on Moral Failure in the Analects, Amy Olberding.
- Part III Mapping the Landscape: Issues in Interpretation.-
12. The Analects and Moral Theory, Stephen C. Angle.-
13. Religious Thought and Practice in the Analects, Erin M. Cline.-
14. The Analects and Forms of Governance, Tongdong Bai.-
15. Why Care? A Feminist Re-appropriation of Confucian Xiao 孝, Li-Hsiang Lisa Rosenlee.-
16. Balancing Conservatism and Innovation: The Pragmatic Analects, Sor-hoon Tan.
- Indexm.
- Index Locorum.
Olberding, Amy
Publication Year:
This volume surveys the major philosophical concepts, arguments, and commitments of the Confucian classic, the Analects. In thematically organized chapters, leading scholars provide a detailed, scholarly introduction to the text and the signal ideas ascribed to its protagonist, Confucius.
The volume opens with chapters that reflect the latest scholarship on the disputed origins of the text and an overview of the broad commentarial tradition it generated. These are followed by chapters that individually explore key areas of the text’s philosophical landscape, articulating both the sense of concepts such as ren, li, and xiao as well as their place in the wider space of the text. A final section addresses prominent interpretive challenges and scholarly disputes in reading the Analects, evaluating, for example, the alignment between the Analects and contemporary moral theory and the contested nature of its religious sensibility.
Dao Companion to the Analects offers a comprehensive and complete survey of the text's philosophical idiom and themes, as well as its history and some of the liveliest current debates surrounding it. This book is an ideal resource for both researchers and advanced students interested in gaining greater insight into one of the earliest and most influential Confucian classics.
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction, Amy Olberding.
- Part I Text and Context.-
2. History and Formation of the Analects, Tae Hyun Kim and Mark Csikszentmihalyi.-
3. The Commentarial Tradition, John B. Henderson and On-Cho Ng.-
4. Confucius and His Communit, Yuet Keung Lo.
- Part II The Conceptual Landscape.-
5. Ren 仁: An Exemplary Life, Karyn Lai.-
6. Ritual and Rightness in the Analect, Hagop Sarkissian.-
7. Family Reverence (xiao 孝) in the Analects:
Confucian Role Ethics and the Dynamics of Intergenerational Transmission, Roger T. Ames and Henry Rosemont Jr..-
8. Language and Ethics in the Analects, Hui Chieh Loy.-
9. Uprightness, Indirection, Transparency, Lisa Raphals.-
10. Cultivating the Self in Concert with Others, David B. Wong.-
11. Perspectives on Moral Failure in the Analects, Amy Olberding.
- Part III Mapping the Landscape: Issues in Interpretation.-
12. The Analects and Moral Theory, Stephen C. Angle.-
13. Religious Thought and Practice in the Analects, Erin M. Cline.-
14. The Analects and Forms of Governance, Tongdong Bai.-
15. Why Care? A Feminist Re-appropriation of Confucian Xiao 孝, Li-Hsiang Lisa Rosenlee.-
16. Balancing Conservatism and Innovation: The Pragmatic Analects, Sor-hoon Tan.
- Indexm.
- Index Locorum.
儒家 Confucianism,
哲學 Philosophy,
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Chinese Architecture in an Age of Turmoil, 200-600
Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt
University of Hawaii Press
Publication Year:
Between the fall of the Han dynasty in 220 CE and the year 600, more than thirty dynasties, kingdoms, and states rose and fell on the eastern side of the Asian continent. The founders and rulers of those polities represented the spectrum of peoples in North, East, and Central Asia. Nearly all of them built palaces, altars, temples, tombs, and cities, and almost without exception, the architecture was grounded in the building tradition of China. Illustrated with more than 475 color and black-and-white photographs, maps, and drawings, Chinese Architecture in an Age of Turmoil uses all available evidence—Chinese texts, secondary literature in six languages, excavation reports, and most important, physical remains—to present the architectural history of this tumultuous period in China’s history. Its author, Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt, arguably North America’s leading scholar of premodern Chinese architecture, has done field research at nearly every site mentioned, many of which were unknown twenty years ago and have never been described in a Western language.
The physical remains are a handful of pagodas, dozens of cave-temples, thousands of tombs, small-scale evidence of architecture such as sarcophaguses, and countless representations of buildings in paint and relief sculpture. Together they narrate an expansive architectural history that offers the first in-depth study of the development, century-by-century, of Chinese architecture of third through the sixth centuries, plus a view of important buildings from the two hundred years before the third century and the resolution of architecture of this period in later construction. The subtext of this history is an examination of Chinese architecture that answers fundamental questions such as: What was achieved by a building system of standardized components? Why has this building tradition of perishable materials endured so long in China? Why did it have so much appeal to non-Chinese empire builders? Does contemporary architecture of Korea and Japan enhance our understanding of Chinese construction? How much of a role did Buddhism play in construction during the period under study? In answering these questions, the book focuses on the relation between cities and monuments and their heroic or powerful patrons, among them Cao Cao, Shi Hu, Empress Dowager Hu, Gao Huan, and lesser-known individuals. Specific and uniquely Chinese aspects of architecture are explained. The relevance of sweeping—and sometimes uncomfortable—concepts relevant to the Chinese architectural tradition such as colonialism, diffusionism, and the role of historical memory also resonate though the book.
Table of Contents:
Division and reorganization into visions of empire
Han beginnings
The third century: emergence of Buddhist architecture
The fourth century: permanent materials for worship, death, and
The fifth century: architecture for barbarian dynasties
The sixth century: wooden halls revealed
Patterns and achievements of third-through-sixth-century
Seeing China through Korea and Japan
Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt
University of Hawaii Press
Publication Year:
Between the fall of the Han dynasty in 220 CE and the year 600, more than thirty dynasties, kingdoms, and states rose and fell on the eastern side of the Asian continent. The founders and rulers of those polities represented the spectrum of peoples in North, East, and Central Asia. Nearly all of them built palaces, altars, temples, tombs, and cities, and almost without exception, the architecture was grounded in the building tradition of China. Illustrated with more than 475 color and black-and-white photographs, maps, and drawings, Chinese Architecture in an Age of Turmoil uses all available evidence—Chinese texts, secondary literature in six languages, excavation reports, and most important, physical remains—to present the architectural history of this tumultuous period in China’s history. Its author, Nancy Shatzman Steinhardt, arguably North America’s leading scholar of premodern Chinese architecture, has done field research at nearly every site mentioned, many of which were unknown twenty years ago and have never been described in a Western language.
The physical remains are a handful of pagodas, dozens of cave-temples, thousands of tombs, small-scale evidence of architecture such as sarcophaguses, and countless representations of buildings in paint and relief sculpture. Together they narrate an expansive architectural history that offers the first in-depth study of the development, century-by-century, of Chinese architecture of third through the sixth centuries, plus a view of important buildings from the two hundred years before the third century and the resolution of architecture of this period in later construction. The subtext of this history is an examination of Chinese architecture that answers fundamental questions such as: What was achieved by a building system of standardized components? Why has this building tradition of perishable materials endured so long in China? Why did it have so much appeal to non-Chinese empire builders? Does contemporary architecture of Korea and Japan enhance our understanding of Chinese construction? How much of a role did Buddhism play in construction during the period under study? In answering these questions, the book focuses on the relation between cities and monuments and their heroic or powerful patrons, among them Cao Cao, Shi Hu, Empress Dowager Hu, Gao Huan, and lesser-known individuals. Specific and uniquely Chinese aspects of architecture are explained. The relevance of sweeping—and sometimes uncomfortable—concepts relevant to the Chinese architectural tradition such as colonialism, diffusionism, and the role of historical memory also resonate though the book.
Table of Contents:
Division and reorganization into visions of empire
Han beginnings
The third century: emergence of Buddhist architecture
The fourth century: permanent materials for worship, death, and
The fifth century: architecture for barbarian dynasties
The sixth century: wooden halls revealed
Patterns and achievements of third-through-sixth-century
Seeing China through Korea and Japan
Book 書介,
Early Medieval China 早期中古中國,
Japan 日本,
Korea 韓國
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