Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Halberd at Red Cliff: Jian’an and the Three Kingdoms

Xiaofei Tian

Harvard University Press

Publication Date:


The turn of the third century CE—known as the Jian’an era or Three Kingdoms period—holds double significance for the Chinese cultural tradition. Its writings laid the foundation of classical poetry and literary criticism. Its historical personages and events have also inspired works of poetry, fiction, drama, film, and art throughout Chinese history, including Internet fantasy literature today. There is a vast body of secondary literature on these two subjects individually, but very little on their interface.

The image of the Jian’an era, with its feasting, drinking, heroism, and literary panache, as well as intense male friendship, was to return time and again in the romanticized narrative of the Three Kingdoms. How did Jian’an bifurcate into two distinct nostalgias, one of which was the first paradigmatic embodiment of wen (literary graces, cultural patterning), and the other of wu (heroic martial virtue)? How did these largely segregated nostalgias negotiate with one another? And how is the predominantly male world of the Three Kingdoms appropriated by young women in contemporary China? The Halberd at Red Cliff investigates how these associations were closely related in their complex origins and then came to be divergent in their later metamorphoses.

Table of Contents:

Part I. The plague 

Chapter 1. Plague and poetry: rethinking Jian'an

Chapter 2. Circling the tree thrice: lord, vassal, community

Part II. The bronze bird

Chapter 3. The southern perspective: fan writing

Chapter 4. Terrace and tile: imagining a lost city

Part III. The Red Cliff

Chapter 5. Restoring the broken halberd

Epilogue. The return of the repressed

Appendix I. Red Cliff poems
Appendix II. A duel of wits across the river between the Two Army Counselors

Friday, January 19, 2018


斎木哲郎 (SAIKI Tetsuro)

Publication Date:
January 2018


Table of Contents:

第一章 『春秋』經と孔子
一 衞聚賢氏の孔子『春秋』經製作説     
二 孔子『春秋』製作説の批判――戴晉新氏の説
三 趙生群氏の「孔子『春秋』製作説」肯定論について
四 總  括――『魯春秋』と『春秋』經――

第二章 『春秋』傳義の成立――『穀梁傳』に關するその學説史的展開――
一 孟子と『春秋』――『春秋』傳説の成立――
二 『春秋穀梁傳』の成立

第三章 雲夢秦簡『編年記』と『秦記』
一 雲夢睡虎地秦墓竹簡『編年記』      
二 『編年記』の作者「喜」に關する論爭
三 『編年記』の記述形式          
四 喜の生涯
五 『秦記』の記録法について――もう一つの春秋學史――

第四章 『白虎通義』 と後漢の儒學
一 『白虎通義』とその周縁  (一)『白虎議奏』と『白虎通義』/(二)章句の學
二 『禮記』王制篇から『白虎通義』へ――緯書説の流入――
三 白虎觀會議の判定方式(一)――『春秋公羊傳』義の優位
四 白虎觀會議の判定方式(二)――『春秋公羊傳』と「春秋傳曰」
五 經義の變更と新たな意義づけ       
六 「尊尊」としての君臣の義        七 天と後漢王朝

第五章 許愼の『五經異義』について
一 許愼の生涯               
二 『五經異義』著作の意圖
三 「春秋傳」から「春秋説」へ       
四 「公羊」「左氏」説と許愼

第六章 鄭玄と何休の『春秋』論爭―
一 何休と鄭玄               
二 何休の『左氏』『穀梁』批判
三 鄭玄の何休説批判とその『春秋』解

第七章 桓譚『新論』の春秋學
一 『新論』と『春秋』           
二 『新論』の春秋學(上)
三 『新論』の春秋學(下)

第八章 王充の思想形成と『春秋』
一 奇妙な生涯               
二 『論衡』と『春秋』
三 王充と『春秋』及び『春秋』三傳の關係  
四 想像的解釋の獲得

第九章 王符の『潛夫論』――社會批判としての儒教――
一 儒學の構圖               
二 漢朝の事情と王符の現在
三 「愛日」の思想             
四 赦贖の非道
五 賢者の認識

第十章 荀悅の『漢紀』と『申鍳』について――春秋學から鑑戒へ――
一 生涯と『漢紀』『申鍳』の著成       
二 『漢紀』の訓戒とその形式
三 忠義への偏執
四 『漢紀』から『申鍳』へ――『申鍳』「時事第二」の構造――
五 獻帝へのアフォリズム

あとがき/索 引

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Ancient China and its Eurasian Neighbors

Katheryn M. Linduff, Yan Sun, Wei Cao and Yuanqing Liu

Cambridge University Press

Publication Date:
January 2018


This volume examines the role of objects in the region north of early dynastic state centers, at the intersection of Ancient China and Eurasia, a large area that stretches from Xinjiang to the China Sea, from c.3000 BCE to the mid-eighth century BCE. This area was a frontier, an ambiguous space that lay at the margins of direct political control by the metropolitan states, where local and colonial ideas and practices were reconstructed transculturally. These identities were often merged and displayed in material culture. Types of objects, styles, and iconography were often hybrids or new to the region, as were the tomb assemblages in which they were deposited and found. Patrons commissioned objects that marked a symbolic vision of place and person and that could mobilize support, legitimize rule, and bind people together. Through close examination of key artifacts, this book untangles the considerable changes in political structure and cultural makeup of ancient Chinese states and their northern neighbors.

Table of Contents:

Introduction: the inner Asian frontier restructured

1. Shaping the study of inner Asian artifacts and mental boundaries
Katheryn M. Linduff

2. Technoscapes and the materialization of ideas in metal in the inner Asian frontier (c.3000–1500 BCE)
Katheryn M. Linduff

3. Identity and artifacts in the north-central and northeastern frontier during the period of state expansion in late second and the early first millennium BCE
Yan Sun 孫岩

4. The rise of state and the formation of group identities in the Western regions of the inner Asian frontier (c.1500 to the eighth century BCE)
Cao Wei, Liu Yuanqing, Katheryn M. Linduff and Yan Sun

5. Conclusions and future challenges
Katheryn M. Linduff and Yan Sun

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Heritage and Adaptation

Paul U. Unschuld

Bridie Andrews

Columbia University Press

Publication Date: 
January 2018


A leading authority explains the ideas and practice of Chinese medicine from its beginnings in antiquity to today. Paul U. Unschuld describes medicine's close connection with culture and politics throughout Chinese history. He brings together texts, techniques, and worldviews to understand changing Chinese attitudes toward healing and the significance of traditional Chinese medicine in both China and the Western world.

Unschuld reveals the emergence of a Chinese medical tradition built around a new understanding of the human being, considering beliefs in the influence of cosmology, numerology, and the supernatural on the health of the living. He describes the variety of therapeutic approaches in Chinese culture, the history of pharmacology and techniques such as acupuncture, and the global exchange of medical knowledge. Insights are offered into the twentieth-century decline of traditional medicine, as military defeats caused reformers and revolutionaries to import medical knowledge as part of the construction of a new China. Unschuld also recounts the reception of traditional Chinese medicine in the West since the 1970s, where it is often considered an alternative to Western medicine at the same time as China seeks to incorporate elements of its medical traditions into a scientific framework. This concise and compelling introduction to medical thought and history suggests that Chinese medicine is also a guide to Chinese civilization.

Table of Contents:

Preface to the English Edition

Part I: The Historical Foundations
1. Origins and Characteristics of Chinese Medicine
2. The Lack of Existential Autonomy
3. The Longing for Existential Autonomy
4. Quotations from the Medical Classics
5. The Banality of Violence
6. The Mawangdui Texts
7. Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology in the New Medicine
8. Deficiencies in the Credibility of the New Medicine
9. The Alternative Model: The View from Illness
10. Radical Healing: Life as a Form of Disease
11. Between Antiquity and the Modern Age
12. Two Medical Authors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

Part II: Modern and Contemporary Times
13. The Confrontation with the Western Way of Life
14. The Persuasiveness of Western Medicine
15. The Opinions of Intellectuals and Politicians
16. The Selection
17. The Surprise
18. The Creative Reception of Chinese Medicine in the West
19. The Objectification of the Discussion: Opportunity and Challenge

Thursday, January 11, 2018


Hara Motoko (原宗子) 

Publication Year:

Taishukan, Tokyo


曹操を有利にした気温の変化とは? 「酒池肉林」が批判された本当の理由とは? ―『史記』『論語』『三国志』をはじめ、有名古典を「環境」の観点から読むことで、「森林伐採」「リサイクル」「公共事業の失敗」など現代にも通じる「環境問題」や、人と自然の関わりが、歴史をどのように動かしてきたかが見えてくる。

Table of Contents:



第一話 「象」という字は、なぜできた?――殷周期の気候変動

第二話 「七月」が詠う冬支度――西周期の黄土高原

第三話 孔子の愛弟子・子路のバンカラの秘密――春秋~漢の毛皮観

第四話 「株を守る」のウラ事情――戦国期中原の開発と鉄器

第五話 ホントは怖い(?)「一村一品」政策――春秋~漢代の斉の特殊性

第六話 合従連衡は、異文化同盟?――戦国秦漢期、北方・燕の環境

第七話 スパイ鄭国の運命―秦の中国統一と大規模灌漑

第八話 司馬相如のカノジョはイモ娘?――秦漢期・四川に生きる心意気

第九話 「公共事業」は昔も今も……――漢・武帝期の大規模灌漑と後遺症

第十話 “帰順”匈奴のベンチャービジネス

第十一話 海と女と酒と「叛乱」―王莽・新の税制と環境

第十二話 戦国男の夢実現(?!)―漢代シルクロードを支えた「内助の功」

第十三話 曹操も手こずった黄河の凍結――魏晋南北朝期の気温変化と戦法

第十四話 均田制、もう一つの貌――五胡から唐宋期の樹木観

第十五話 「貧困の黄土高原」はなぜできた――明清・中華帝国の光と影


Monday, January 8, 2018

Forming the Early Chinese Court: Rituals, Spaces, Roles

Habberstad, Luke

Publication Date:

University of Washington Press


Forming the Early Chinese Court builds on new directions in comparative studies of royal courts in the ancient world to present a pioneering study of early Chinese court culture. Rejecting divides between literary, political, and administrative texts, Luke Habberstad examines sources from the Qin, Western Han, and Xin periods (221 BCE-23 CE) for insights into court society and ritual, rank, the development of the bureaucracy, and the role of the emperor. These diverse sources show that a large, but not necessarily cohesive, body of courtiers drove the consolidation, distribution, and representation of power in court institutions. Forming the Early Chinese Court encourages us to see China's imperial unification as a surprisingly idiosyncratic process that allowed different actors to stake claims in a world of increasing population, wealth, and power.

Table of Contents:

Chronology of Dynasties and Han Reign Periods

Introduction: Forming the Early Chinese Court

Part One Rituals
1. Sumptuary Regulations and the Rhetoric of Equivalency
2. Who Gets to Praise the Emperor?

Part Two Spaces
3. Parks, Palaces, and Prestige

Part Three Roles
4. Politics, Rank, and Duty in Institutional Change
5. The Literary Invention of Bureaucracy
