Thursday, June 25, 2015

Buddhist Stone Sutras in China: Shandong 2 中國佛教石經:山東省 (第二卷)

Wang Yongbo and Claudia Wenzel

Harrassowitz Verlag

Publication Year:

Table of Contents:

導論 Introduction
雷德侯 .............................................................................. 2
Epigraphers in Zoucheng
Lothar Ledderose ....................................................................... 12

畢斐 .............................................................................. 31
The Stone Hymn and Art Criticism
Bi Fei .............................................................................. 35

刻經址 Sites

嶧山 Mount Yi
刻經址 ............................................................................ 42
The Site ........................................................................... 51
總錄 Catalog
嶧山 1 號:《文殊師利所說般若波羅蜜經》九十八字節文
Yi 1: Passage of 98 Characters from the Sutra on the Great Perfection of Wisdom Spoken by Mañjuśrī ........ 63
嶧山 2 號:嶧山 1 號題記及其紀年與“般若”殘刻
Yi 2: Colophon to Yi 1 with a Date and a Two Character Fragment ................................ 69
嶧山 3 號:《文殊師利所說般若波羅蜜經》九十八字節文並題記
Yi 3: Passage of 98 Characters from the Sutra on the Great Perfection of Wisdom Spoken by Mañjuśrī with a Colophon .................................................... 75

鐵山 Mount Tie
刻經址 ............................................................................ 84
The Site ........................................................................... 96
總錄 Catalog
鐵山 1 號:《大集經•穿菩提品》節文
Tie 1: Passage from the “Piercing the Bodhi Chapter” of the Great Collection Sutra .................... 117
鐵山 2 號:《石頌》
Tie 2: Stone Hymn .................................................................. 149
鐵山 3 號:孫洽、僧安道壹、閭長嵩題記
Tie 3: Colophons by Sun Qia, Seng’an Daoyi, and Lü Changsong ................................ 175
鐵山 4 號:李巨敖題記
Tie 4: Colophon by Li Ju’ao ........................................................... 185

葛山 Mount Ge
刻經址 ........................................................................... 190
The Site .......................................................................... 196
總錄 Catalog
葛山 1 號:《維摩詰所說經》觀如來節文
Ge 1: Passage on the Contemplation of the Tathagata from the Sutra Spoken by Vimalakīrti ............. 203
葛山 2 號:葛山 1 號題記
Ge 2: Colophon to Ge 1 ............................................................. 221

崗山 Mount Gang
刻經址 ........................................................................... 225
The Site .......................................................................... 238
總錄 Catalog
崗山 A 號:《入楞伽經》經首序文小字本
GS A: The Small Character Version A of the Opening Passage from the Sutra of Arrival in Laṅkā ......... 259
崗山 B 號:《入楞伽經》經首序文大字本
GS B: The Large Character Version B of the Opening Passage from the Sutra of Arrival in Laṅkā ......... 289
崗山 C 號:《觀無量壽佛經》經首序文
GS C: Opening Passage from the Sutra on the Contemplation of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life ......... 419
崗山 D 號:佛名
GS D: Buddha Names .............................................................. 433
崗山 E 號:雞嘴石題記
GS E: Colophon on Chicken Beak Rock .................................................. 455

參考文獻 Bibliography
.................................................................................. 462

Wednesday, June 24, 2015



Publishing Year:


Table of Contents:

第一部 秦漢官文書の種類と用語

第一章 漢代官文書の種別と書式

第二章 秦漢官文書の用語

第二部 文書の傳送

第一章 漢代の詔書下達における御史大夫と丞相

第二章 秦漢官文書の下達形態

第三章 漢代の文書傳送方式

第四章 漢代懸泉置周邊の文書傳送

第五章 漢代居延・肩水地域の文書傳送

第六章 文書の宛名簡

第三部 斷獄の文書

第一章 漢代の擧劾文書の復原

第二章 斷獄手續きにおける「劾」

第四部 聽訟の文書

第一章 漢代邊境における債權回收手續き

第二章 證不言請律と自證爰書の運用

第三章 「前言解」の意味と尋問命令の再録

第四章 「候粟君所責寇恩事」册書の再檢討

第五章 漢代の聽訟


Saturday, June 13, 2015




Publication Year:

Table of Contents:
序 言

第一篇 漢唐間における北中国の動向―民族問題を中心として見た―
第一章 北朝国家論

第二章 北魏文成帝南巡碑について

第三章 鮮卑の文字について―漢唐間における中華意識の叢生と関連して―

第四章 三国期段階における烏丸・鮮卑について―交流と変容との観点から見た―

第五章 北魏内朝再論―比較史の観点から見た―

第二篇 漢唐間における東アジアの動向と古代日本の国家形成
第一章 漢唐間における「新」中華意識の形成―古代日本・朝鮮と中国との関連をめ

第二章 隋書倭国伝と日本書紀推古紀の記述をめぐって―遣隋使覚書―

第三章 倭国における対外交渉の変遷について―中華意識の形成と大宰府の成立との関連から見た―魏志倭人伝以前の外交〔奴国の外交/倭国の成立/伊都国と邪馬台国〕/倭の五王以降の日本と外交〔倭の五王の半島進出と沖ノ島・那津官家の設置〕/大宰府の成立をめぐって〔筑紫大宰と大宰府・大宰府と倭国の中華意識〕

第四章 倭の五王の自称と東アジアの国際情勢

第三篇 漢唐間における西南中国の動向
第一章 漢唐間における雲南と日本との関係について―比較史の観点から見た―

第二章 民族問題を中心として見た魏晋段階における四川地域の状況について

第三章 民族問題を中心として見た五胡十六国南北朝期段階における四川地域の状況について南朝期の四川〔劉宋時代の四川・南斉時代の四川・梁時代の四川〕/北朝期の四川―北魏・西魏時代の四川―

第四章 民族問題を中心として見た北朝後期段階における四川地域の状況について

第四篇 漢唐間の民族をめぐる諸問題と東アジア
第一章 民族問題を中心として見た魏晋南北朝隋唐時代史研究の動向

第二章 遼金における正統観をめぐって―北魏の場合との比較―

第三章 崔致遠と阿倍仲麻呂―古代朝鮮・日本における「中国化」との関連から見た―唐朝官僚としての崔致遠の自他意識/阿倍仲麻呂と科挙登第/阿倍仲麻呂にとっての中国と日本/阿倍仲麻呂・崔致遠に対する後世の評価と国制の変遷

第四章 中国前近代における所謂中華帝国の構造についての覚書―北魏と元・遼、および漢との比較―遼との比較/漢との比較

索 引

Sunday, June 7, 2015

New Visions of the Zhuangzi

Livia Kohn

Publication Year:

Three Pines Press

New Visions of the Zhuangzi is a collection of thirteen essays on the ancient Daoist philosophical work, presenting new angles and approaches. It overcomes the traditional division of schools in favor of topics, sheds new light on key philosophical notions, examines Zhuangzi's use of language, and explores issues of his use of language. In addition, it also applies modern neuroscience to its instructions, explores its vision of the ideal mind, and connects Zhuangzi's teachings to issues of education and community relevant in contemporary society.

Table of Contents:

Livia Kohn v

Beyond Our Control?
Two Responses to Uncertainty and Fate in Early China
Mercedes Valmisa 1

Joys of an Empty Skull:
The Tension between Nature and Death in the Zhuangzi
Agnė Budriūnaitė 24

Zhuangzi and the Heterogeneity of Value
Chris Fraser 41

Zhuangzi’s Weiwuwei Epistemology:
Seeing through Dichotomy to Polarity
Alan Fox 61

Parodoxes of Health and Power in the Zhuangzi
Hans-Georg Moeller 72

Zhuangzi 莊子 x Comme des Garçons:
When Dress Meets Body in the Warring States
Lucia Q. Tang 84

How Metaphor Functions in the Zhuangzi:
The Case of the Unlikely Messenger
Robert Elliott Allinson 97

Different Layers of Ineffability in the Zhuangzi
Roy Porat 119

The Rhetoric of Transformation:
The Arts of Persuasion in the Zhuangzi
Jung Lee 137

Hermits, Mountains, and Yangsheng in Early Daoism:
Perspectives from the Zhuangzi
Thomas Michael 149

Forget or Not Forget? The Neurophysiology of Zuowang
Livia Kohn 165

Infants, Children, and Moral Development in the Zhuangzi
and the Daode jing
Erin M. Cline 184

Zhuangzi and the Coming Community
Eske J. Møllgaard 205

Contributors 215

Index 217

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A History of Chinese Letters and Epistolary Culture

Antje Richter


Publication Year:


A History of Chinese Letters and Epistolary Culture is the first publication, in any language, that is dedicated to the study of Chinese epistolary literature and culture in its entirety, from the early empire to the twentieth century. The volume includes twenty-five essays dedicated to a broad spectrum of topics from postal transmission to letter calligraphy, epistolary networks to genre questions. It introduces dozens of letters, often the first translations into English, and thus makes epistolary history palpable in all its vitality and diversity: letters written by men and women from all walks of life to friends and lovers, princes and kings, scholars and monks, seniors and juniors, family members and neighbors, potential patrons, newspaper editors, and many more.

Table of Contents:

Preliminary Material

Introduction: The Study of Chinese Letters and Epistolary Culture
Source: pp 1 –14

1 Reconstructing the Postal Relay System of the Han Period
Source: pp 15 –52

2 Letters as Calligraphy Exemplars: The Long and Eventful Life of Yan Zhenqing’s (709–785) Imperial Commissioner Liu Letter
Source: pp 53 –96

3 Chinese Decorated Letter Papers
Source: pp 97 –134

4 Material and Symbolic Economies: Letters and Gifts in Early Medieval China
Source: pp 135 –186

5 Letters in the Wen xuan
Source: pp 187 –238

6 Between Letter and Testament: Letters of Familial Admonition in Han and Six Dynasties China
Source: pp 239 –275

7 The Space of Separation: The Early Medieval Tradition of Four-Syllable “Presentation and Response” Poetry
Source: pp 276 –306

8 Letters and Memorials in the Early Third Century: The Case of Cao Zhi
Source: pp 307 –330

9 Liu Xie’s Institutional Mind: Letters, Administrative Documents, and Political Imagination in Fifth- and Sixth-Century China
Source: pp 331 –362

10 Bureaucratic Influences on Letters in Middle Period China: Observations from Manuscript Letters and Literati Discourse
Source: pp 363 –397

11 Private Letter Manuscripts from Early Imperial China
Source: pp 399 –474

12 Su Shi’s Informal Letters in Literature and Life
Source: pp 475 –507

13 The Letter as Artifact of Sentiment and Legal Evidence
Source: pp 508 –545

14 Infinite Variations of Writing and Desire: Love Letters in China and Europe
Source: pp 546 –581

15 Writing from Revolution’s Debris: Shen Congwen’s Family Letters in the Mao Era
Source: pp 582 –617

16 Captured in Words: Functions and Limits of Autobiographical Expression in Early Chinese Epistolary Literature
Source: pp 619 –642

17 Civil Examinations and Cover Letters in the Mid-Tang: Dugu Yu’s (776–815) “Letter Submitted to Attendant Gentleman Quan of the Ministry of Rites”
Source: pp 643 –674

18 The Inscription of Emotion in Mid-Tang Collegial Letters
Source: pp 675 –720

19 Halves and Holes: Collections, Networks, and Epistolary Practices of Chan Monks
Source: pp 721 –743

20 Letters as Windows on Ming-Qing Women’s Literary Culture
Source: pp 744 –774

21 Epistolary Networks and Practice in the Early Qing: The Letters Written to Yan Guangmin
Source: pp 775 –826

22 Aid and Comfort: Lu Zhaolin’s Letters
Source: pp 827 –852

23 She Association Circulars from Dunhuang
Source: pp 853 –877

24 Between Writing and Publishing Letters: Publishing a Letter about Book Proprietorship
Source: pp 878 –899

25 Opinions Going Public: Letters to the Editors in China’s Earliest Modern Newspapers
Source: pp 900 –931

Scholarship on Chinese Epistolary Literature and Culture: A Select Bibliography
Source: pp 933 –941
