藤田勝久(FUJITA Katsuhisa)
Publication Year:
Table of Contents:
第一部 東アジアの資料学研究
* 中国簡牘の文書・記録と情報伝達…………… 藤田勝久
* 秦簡牘研究の新段階 ………………………… 陳 偉(廣瀬薫雄訳)
* 楚簡・秦簡研究と日中共同研究――コメントに代えて―― ……… 工藤元男
* 韓国の木簡研究の現況――東アジア資料学の可能性―― ……… 金 慶 浩(河英美訳)
* 破莂・別莂考――長沙呉簡を例として――…… 關尾史郎
* 奄美諸島史料と文書の集合態・複合態……………… 石上英一
第二部 出土資料と情報伝達、地域社会
* 張家山漢簡『二年律令』の出土位置と編連―書写過程の復元を兼ねて―― ……………金 秉 駿(小宮秀陵訳)
* 漢代郵駅システムにおける駅の接待方式 ―懸泉漢簡の二つの残冊書を中心とする考察―― ………… 張 俊 民(廣瀬薫雄訳)
* 後漢『乙瑛碑』における卒史の増置に見える政務処理について
――「請」・「須報」・「可許」・「書到言」を中心に―― ……………… 侯 旭 東(佐々木正治訳)
* 漢晉時代の倉廩図にみえる糧倉と簡牘 …………… 馬 怡(佐々木正治訳)
* 漢代北方の地域社会と交通――城郭と墓葬から――………… 上野祥史
* 漢代における鉄製農具の生産と流通――
……… 佐々木正治
Monday, March 24, 2014
Book 書介,
Communication 訊息傳播,
Japan 日本,
Korea 韓國,
Letter writing 書信,
三國 Three Kingdoms,
漢代 Han dynasty,
秦 Qin,
簡牘 Bamboo Slips
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Mémoire sur les monastères bouddhiques de Luoyang 洛陽伽藍記
Translator: Jean-Marie Lourme
Publisher: Belles Lettres
Publication Year: 2014
Translator: Jean-Marie Lourme
Publisher: Belles Lettres
Publication Year: 2014
En 534, à la suite d'une guerre civile, l’empire des Wei du Nord se disloque. La belle cité de Luoyang qui était leur capitale depuis 494 est alors abandonnée. Les religieux bouddhistes suivent la cour et laissent déserts les innombrables temples et monastères que la piété des fidèles avait multipliés dans la ville. Une dizaine d’années plus tard, Yang Xuanzhi (fl. 550), un petit fonctionnaire, est obligé, par les devoirs de sa charge, de se rendre à Luoyang ; il s’afflige alors de trouver en ruine les bâtiments qui faisaient naguère son admiration, et, dans la crainte que la postérité ne perdît tout souvenir de ce qu’avait été cette splendeur, il compose à son retour son Mémoire sur les monastères bouddhiques de Luoyang.
L’ouvrage recense les monastères de la ville et, ce faisant, expose de nombreuses anecdotes s’y rapportant, en ne se limitant pas à l’histoire religieuse. L’auteur donne en effet quantité d’informations sur la vie politique et culturelle de Luoyang du temps de sa grandeur et de sa chute. Par ailleurs, l’un des chapitres du livre est constitué d’un long excursus racontant le voyage en Asie centrale et en Inde du Nord d’un moine, source particulièrement précieuse pour les historiens.
Nous savons peu de choses sur Yang Xuanzhi, qui n’a pas de biographie dans les histoires officielles chinoises. Il serait né dans les années 500 et c’est en 547, alors au service de la dynastie des Wei orientaux, qu’il revint à Luoyang pour raison professionnelle. Il occupait alors la fonction d’administrateur supérieur du Bureau de l’Armée de pacification.
● 關於美文出版社(Les Belles Lettres)& 漢文法譯書庫(Bibliothèque Chinoise)
"2010年11月19晚間六點,專門出版古典人文書籍的美文出版社 (Les Belles Lettres) 於巴黎鳳凰書店 (La Librairie le Phénix, 72 boulevard de Sébastopol, 75003 PARIS ) 舉行新書座談會。這次他們要呈現的是一口氣推出的四本中文古典作品法譯本:《古詩十九首》、揚雄《法言》、《鹽鐵論》與蘇軾《東坡記》。這樣的出版並不是偶然,早在2007年,美文出版社的編輯 Caroline Noirot 與 Marie-José d’Hoop 便開始連繫著名法國漢學家程艾藍 (Anne Cheng) 與馬克 (Marc Kalinowski)。而在兩位漢學的努力之下,2010年的春天成立了「漢文法譯書庫 (Bibliothèque Chinoise)」,宗旨在翻譯與引介自古代到現代之前的中文古典著作(包括哲學、歷史、文學等),這四本書正是第一波的成果。
這場座談會在書店二樓,由上述兩位編輯與兩位漢學家,以及系列其中的三位譯者──《法言》譯者羅逸東 (Béatrice L’Haridon)、《鹽鐵論》譯者樂唯(Jean Lévi)與《東坡記》譯者費揚(Stéphane Feullias)──主講。三位譯者本身也是學者與研究者,因此,我們所看到的譯文,以及篇幅佔一半甚至以上的大量註解,即顯示著,翻譯不是只是研究與教學之外的工作,更是其研究的成果展現 (如果有看註解的話),也對著本身從事的研究教學,甚至對整個學界、學界之外,都有貢獻。於是,翻譯作為一種介紹,一種認識,這些譯者在座談會的發言一方面也是呈現的其翻譯的原典的時空背景、觀念辭彙轉譯的困難度,一再地涉及他們自己長期研究的心得與旨趣。譬如樂唯認為《鹽鐵論》可以多重地反映漢代的脈絡(社會、政治、法律、道德、經濟等),費揚本身就被蘇軾的人格與人生際遇、思想轉變吸引,羅逸東一開始就對《法言》擬仿《論語》體裁感興趣,亦想從中窺見漢代的思想樣貌。
Thursday, March 13, 2014
[Dissertation] Leaves that Sway: Gold Xianbei Cap Ornaments from Northeast China
Sarah Laursen
Publication Year:
University of Pennsylvania
Nancy S. Steinhardt
Over the last fifty years, rich finds of gold objects have been uncovered in China’s northeastern Liaoning province. These tombs belonged to a tribe of steppe nomads called the Murong Xianbei who settled north of the Great Wall during the Han dynasty and established a succession of short-lived states called Yan that ruled parts of Northeast Asia during the third to fifth centuries CE. Until now, the history of the Murong and the rapidly emerging field of Murong archaeology have been published almost exclusively in Chinese. This dissertation seeks to rectify the lack of Western scholarship about this unique border population and their cultural identity as expressed though gold personal adornments.
The gold objects in Murong tombs are typically decorated with some combination of openwork and pendant gold leaves attached by wires, some taking the form of trees or antlers. These were probably affixed to fabric caps and have been associated with ornaments described in the Chinese histories as buyao (“step-sway”) ornaments because their thin sheet gold leaves tremble and sway with each step the wearer takes. However, leaf-covered gold crowns and headdresses excavated from tombs across Central Asia, Western Asia, and the Mediterranean have also been proposed as prototypes. This dissertation considers the existing textual and visual data supporting arguments for local and western origins and arrives at new conclusions concerning the relationships between Murong artisans and their counterparts in China, Central Asia, and the Near East though the careful study of the visible traces of the manufacturing process.
Sarah Laursen
Publication Year:
University of Pennsylvania
Nancy S. Steinhardt
Over the last fifty years, rich finds of gold objects have been uncovered in China’s northeastern Liaoning province. These tombs belonged to a tribe of steppe nomads called the Murong Xianbei who settled north of the Great Wall during the Han dynasty and established a succession of short-lived states called Yan that ruled parts of Northeast Asia during the third to fifth centuries CE. Until now, the history of the Murong and the rapidly emerging field of Murong archaeology have been published almost exclusively in Chinese. This dissertation seeks to rectify the lack of Western scholarship about this unique border population and their cultural identity as expressed though gold personal adornments.
The gold objects in Murong tombs are typically decorated with some combination of openwork and pendant gold leaves attached by wires, some taking the form of trees or antlers. These were probably affixed to fabric caps and have been associated with ornaments described in the Chinese histories as buyao (“step-sway”) ornaments because their thin sheet gold leaves tremble and sway with each step the wearer takes. However, leaf-covered gold crowns and headdresses excavated from tombs across Central Asia, Western Asia, and the Mediterranean have also been proposed as prototypes. This dissertation considers the existing textual and visual data supporting arguments for local and western origins and arrives at new conclusions concerning the relationships between Murong artisans and their counterparts in China, Central Asia, and the Near East though the careful study of the visible traces of the manufacturing process.
Thesis 學位論文,
Xianbei 鮮卑,
藝術 Art,
魏晉南北朝 Wei--Jin-Nan-Bei-Chao
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Han Fei 韓非
Editor: Paul R. Goldin
Publication Year: 2013 (2012)
Publisher: Springer
Table of Contents:
Publication Year: 2013 (2012)
Publisher: Springer
Han Fei, who died in 233 BC, was one of the primary philosophers of China’s classical era, a reputation still intact despite recent neglect. This edited volume on the thinker, his views on politics and philosophy, and the tensions of his relations with Confucianism (which he derided) is the first of its kind in English.
Featuring contributions from specialists in various disciplines including religious studies and literature, this new addition to the Dao Companions to Chinese Philosophy series includes the latest research. It breaks new ground with studies of Han Fei’s intellectual antecedents, and his relationship as a historical figure with Han Feizi, the text attributed to him, as well as surveying the full panoply of his thought. It also includes a chapter length survey of relevant scholarship, both in Chinese and Japanese.
Table of Contents:
Han Fei and the Han Feizi — Paul R.Goldin,University of Pennsylvania.-
I. Han Fei’s Predecessors.-
From Historical Evolution to the End of History: Past, Present and Future from Shang Yang to the First Emperor — Yuri Pines, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.-
Shen Dao’s Theory of fa and His Influence on Han Fei — Soon-ja Yang, Inha University.-
II. The Philosophy of Han Fei.-
Submerged by Absolute Power: The Ruler’s Predicament in theHan Feizi — Yuri Pines.-
Beyond the Rule of Rules: The Foundations of Sovereign Power in the Han Feizi — Albert Galvany, University of Cambridge / University Pompeu Fabra .-
Han Fei on the Problem of Morality — Eirik Lang Harris, Yonsei University .-
III. Han Fei and Confucianism.-
Han Fei and Confucianism: Toward a Synthesis — Bryan W. Van Norden, Vassar College .-
Did Xunzi’s Theory of Human Nature Provide the Foundation for the Political Thought of Han Fei? — Masayuki Sato, National Taiwan University .-
IV. Studies of Specific Chapters.-
The Difficulty with “The Difficulties of Persuasion” (“Shuinan” 說難) — Michael Hunter, Princeton University .-
Han Feizi and the Old Master: A Comparative Analysis and Translation of Han Feizi Chapter 20, “Jie Lao,” and Chapter 21, “Yu Lao” — Sarah A. Queen, Connecticut College .-
Studies of the Han Feizi in China, Taiwan, and Japan — Masayuki Sato .- Contributors.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Authors: 浅野裕一 、小沢賢二
Publication Year: 2013
Publisher: 汲古書院
Table of Contents:
第一章 浙江大学蔵戦国楚簡『左伝』の釈文(浅野裕一)
第二章 『左伝』の研究史(浅野裕一)
第三章 偽簡説の検討(浅野裕一)
第四章 『春秋』及び『左伝』の成立事情(浅野裕一)
第五章 『左伝』の構造的寓意(浅野裕一)
第六章 浙江大楚簡『左伝』発見の意義(浅野裕一)
第七章 伝世本『左伝』の天文暦法データ再検証から見た浙江大『左伝』の有用性(小沢賢二)
第八章 浙江大戦国楚簡『玉勺』の書写年代(小沢賢二)
第九章 中国戦国時代文書文字考(小沢賢二)
Publication Year: 2013
Publisher: 汲古書院
Table of Contents:
第一章 浙江大学蔵戦国楚簡『左伝』の釈文(浅野裕一)
第二章 『左伝』の研究史(浅野裕一)
第三章 偽簡説の検討(浅野裕一)
第四章 『春秋』及び『左伝』の成立事情(浅野裕一)
第五章 『左伝』の構造的寓意(浅野裕一)
第六章 浙江大楚簡『左伝』発見の意義(浅野裕一)
第七章 伝世本『左伝』の天文暦法データ再検証から見た浙江大『左伝』の有用性(小沢賢二)
第八章 浙江大戦国楚簡『玉勺』の書写年代(小沢賢二)
第九章 中国戦国時代文書文字考(小沢賢二)
Bamboo Slips 簡牘,
Book 書介,
史學史 Historiography,
經學 Classics
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Communication and Cooperation in Early Imperial China: Publicizing the Qin Dynasty
Charles Sanft
State University of New York Press
Publication Year:
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Communication and Cooperation: A Framework
3. Communication and Cooperation in Early Chinese Thought
4. Mass Communication and Standardization
5. Progress and Publicity: Qin Shihuang 秦始皇, Ritual, and Common Knowledge
6. Roads to Rule: Construction as Communication
7. Law, Administration, and Communication
8. Conclusion
Charles Sanft
State University of New York Press
Publication Year:
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Communication and Cooperation: A Framework
3. Communication and Cooperation in Early Chinese Thought
4. Mass Communication and Standardization
5. Progress and Publicity: Qin Shihuang 秦始皇, Ritual, and Common Knowledge
6. Roads to Rule: Construction as Communication
7. Law, Administration, and Communication
8. Conclusion
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