Saturday, December 22, 2018

Animals Through Chinese History: Earliest Times to 1911

Roel Sterckx, Martina Siebert, Dagmar Schafer

Cambridge University Press

Publication planned for: 
January 2019


This volume opens a door into the rich history of animals in China. As environmental historians turn their attention to expanded chronologies of natural change, something new can be said about human history through animals and about the globally diverse cultural and historical dynamics that have led to perceptions of animals as wild or cultures as civilized. This innovative collection of essays spanning Chinese history reveals how relations between past and present, lived and literary reality, have been central to how information about animals and the natural world has been processed and evaluated in China. Drawing on an extensive array of primary sources, ranging from ritual texts to poetry to veterinary science, this volume explores developments in the human-animal relationship through Chinese history and the ways in which the Chinese have thought about the world with and through animals.

Table of Contents:

Knowing Animals in China’s History: An Introduction  

1. Shang sacrificial animals: material documents and images 
Adam C. Schwartz

2. Animal to edible: the ritualization of animals in early China 
Roel Sterckx

3. Noble creatures: filial and righteous animals in early medieval Confucian thought 
Keith N. Knapp

4. Walking by itself: the singular history of the Chinese cat 
Timothy H. Barrett and Mark Strange

5. Bees in China: a brief cultural history 
David Pattinson

6. Where did the animals go? Presence and absence of livestock in Chinese agricultural treatises 
Francesca Bray

7. Animals as text: producing and consuming 'text-animals' 
Martina Siebert

8. Great plans: Song dynastic (960–1279) institutions for human and veterinary healthcare 
Han Yi and Dagmar Schäfer

9. Animals in nineteenth-century eschatological discourse 
Vincent Goossaert

10. Reconsidering the boundaries: multicultural and multilingual perspectives on the care and management of the emperors' horses in the Qing 
Sare Aricanli

11. Animals as wonders: writing commentaries on monthly ordinances in Qing China 
Zheng Xinxian

12. Reforming the humble pig: pigs, pork and contemporary China 
Mindi Schneider

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Authorship and Text-making in Early China

Hanmo Zhang

De Gruyter

Publication date: 
October 2018


This book is a timely response to a rather urgent call to seek an updated methodology in rereading and reappraising early Chinese texts in light of newly discovered early writings. For a long time, the concept of authorship in the formation and transmission of early Chinese texts has been misunderstood. The nominal author who should mainly function as a guide to text formation and interpretation is considered retrospectively as the originator and writer of the text. This book illustrates that although some notions about the text as the author’s property began to appear in some Eastern Han texts, a strict correlation between the author and the text results from later conceptions of literary history. Before the modern era, there existed a conceptual gap between an author and a writer. A pre-modern Chinese text could have had both an author and a writer, or even multiple authors and multiple writers. This work is the first study addressing these issues by more systematically emphasizing the connection of the text, the author, and the religious and sociopolitical settings in which these issues were embedded. It is expected to constitute a palpable contribution to Chinese studies and the discipline of philology in general.

Table of Contents:

1. Text, Author, and the Function of Authorship

2. The Author as Cultural Hero: The Yellow Emperor, the Symbolic Author

3. The Author as the Head of a Teaching Lineage: Confucius, the Quotable Author

4. The Author as a Patron: Prince of Huainan, the Owner-Author

5. The Author as an Individual Writer: Sima Qian, the Presented Author

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Guicheng: An Archaeological Study of the Formation of States on the Jiaodong Peninsula in Late Bronze-Age China, 1000-500 BCE

Chief Editors: 
Li Feng, Liang Zhonghe

Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University
The Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Shandong Provincial Academy of Cultural Relics and Archaeology

Beijing: Science Press

Publication date:


Guicheng is an important Bronze-Age city-site of 8 km2 located in Longkou in eastern Shandong. Guicheng enjoyed a high degree of political dominance and cultural diversity until its conquest by the state of Qi in 567 BCE. This Chinese-English full-text bilingual monograph presents the results of the international collaborative archaeological survey and test excavations conducted by Columbia University, the Institute of Archaeology (CASS), and the Shandong Provincial Academy of Cultural Relics and Archaeology in 2007-2011. The book has two volumes: Volumes I includes ten chapters that describe the fieldwork and its results, and related analyses. Volume 2 includes five chapters that review the archaeological discoveries made at the city-site and the surrounding region in 1896-2006, mainly of bronzes, ceramics, and jade objects. 

The book also has three appendices: I. “C14 Dating of the Guicheng City-Site”; II. “Results of Flotation at the Guicheng City-Site”; III. “Animal Remains Discovered during the 2009 Test Excavations”.

Table of Contents:

绪论 李峰 梁中合 (1)


第一章 自然地理环境和地域文化背景 梁中合 (29)

第二章 内城城墙的钻探 唐锦琼 韩辉 李峰 (62)

第三章 内城及城外建筑基址的钻探 韩辉 (102)

第四章 外城城墙的勘察 唐锦琼 (196)

第五章 内城的试掘 徐明江 (321)

第六章 归城全覆盖地面采样调查 李峰 贝丽姿 (478)

第七章 黄水河流域的区域考古调查 梁中合 (565)

第八章 归城考古中的地理配准及钻探数据管理 Jeremiah Trinidad-Christensen 侯昱文(Paul Nicholas Vogt) (641)

第九章 归城陶器的岩相学分析 James B.Stoltman (665)

第十章 构建边缘文化:归城陶器分析 李峰 (689)


第一章 2002年归城内城北部和平村遗址的发掘 赵娟 孙兆锋 (749)

第二章 归城及周边区域青铜器的考古发现与研究综述 王富强 闫旭东 刁鹏 (789)

第三章 归城城址历年出土青铜器调查综述(1980—2010) 刘玉涛 马志敏 (823)

第四章 归城遗址历年发现青铜器出土经过的调查综述 蒋惠民 唐锦琼 (882)

第五章 归城考古的收获和胶东半岛青铜器时代的社会变迁 李峰 (920)


附录一 山东龙口归城城址的碳十四测定 张雪莲 (987)

附录二 山东烟台龙口归城城址浮选结果 赵志军 (988)

附录三 山东龙口市归城城址2009年试掘出土动物遗存研究 李志鹏 任乐乐 TomA Stidham (1001)

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

[Dissertation] Prescribing 'Guiding and Pulling': The institutionalisation of therapeutic exercise in Sui China (581–618 CE)

Dolly Yang


University College London


This dissertation investigates the development of therapeutic exercise known as daoyin 導引 (guiding and pulling) during the Sui dynasty (581–618 CE). The main research questions are 1) how and why did daoyin become an important component of state medicine during the Sui period, 2) why was it included systematically in Zhubing yuanhou lun 諸病源候論 (Treatise on the Origins and Symptoms of Medical Disorders), the earliest known nosological text compiled under the decree of the second Sui emperor Yangdi 隋煬帝and 3) in the context of the process of unification during the Sui, what is the larger significance of these initiatives for our understanding of the unique continuities in the history of imperial China?

Central to this research is an investigation into the contemporary political, cultural and religious circumstances that influenced the decisions by the two Sui emperors to adopt therapeutic exercise, which was already widely popular among circles of literate elites and religious sects, into an official medical system. The vision of the second Sui emperor to promote therapeutic exercise as the main component of state medicine, in preference to all other medical treatments, led directly to the transformation of the state medical service with the employment of a disproportionally large number of daoyin specialists to the Sui court. This research argues that the inclusion of daoyin, together with advice on health regimes, under the newly-devised classification of disease in Zhubing yuanhou lun, is one of the most important medical innovations of the Sui. As a vignette that illustrates how the role of the state can extend its reach into social and community practice, this study also has wider implications for how, in contrast to the fragmentation of Europe after the fall of Rome, we understand the continuity of empire in China.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: The social profile of daoyin practitioners before the Sui

Chapter 3: The institutionalisation of therapeutic exercise during the Sui dynasty (581–618 CE)

Chapter 4: The medicalisation of therapeutic exercise in Zhubing yuanhou lun 諸病源候論 (Treatise on the Origins and Symptoms of Medical Disorders)

Chapter 5: Conclusion


Appendix 1: Preface for Mr. Chao’s Overall Treatise on the Origins and 
Symptoms of Medical Disorders 巢氏諸病源候總論序 by Song Shou 宋綬

Appendix 2: The Seventy-one Medical Disorders in Zhubing yuanhou lun based on Ding Guangdi’s 丁光迪 Edition

Appendix 3: Translation of 110 Disease Entries Containing Daoyin Exercises in Zhubing yuanhou lun

Appendix 4: Translation of Taiqing daoyin yangsheng jing 太清導引養生經

Appendix 5: Translation of Sun Simiao’s 孫思邈 Anmo 按摩 Technique of Indian Brahmans’ Method from Qianjin yaofang 千金藥方

Friday, December 7, 2018


髙橋 あやの

Publication date:
December 2018


Table of Contents:

序章 本書の立場
    一 中国における天文学と天の思想  二 科学と術数     三 張衡について
     四 中国古代の宇宙論        五 本書の構成と目的  (参考)張衡年譜

第一章 「渾」の用法に見る渾天説の原義
   一 上古音から見る「渾」の類型   二 「渾天」の用例
   三 古代の文献に見られる「渾」   四 揚雄における「渾」の用法
   五 張衡における「渾」の用法

第二章 『霊憲』と『渾天儀』の比較
   一 『霊憲』と『渾天儀』の比較    二 『渾天儀』は張衡の作か
   三 『霊憲』と『渾天儀』の扱いの相違の要因

第三章 渾天説の天文理論
   一 張衡の渾天説――張衡は地球概念をもっていたか
   二 天文理論の継承と発展

第四章 渾天説と尚水思想
   一 尚水思想の系譜         二 渾天説における尚水思想
  三 張衡と尚水思想と崑崙山     四 天・地・水の思想

第五章 張衡「思玄賦」の世界観
   一 張衡と「思玄賦」        二 「思玄賦」の内容と構成
   三 崑崙と黄帝、西王母の位置    四 天上世界の描写

第六章 張衡と占術
  一 「思玄賦」の占術表現      二 『霊憲』の占術表現
   三 讖緯に対する態度

第七章 張衡佚文の考察
   一 張衡の星・星座・惑星の知識   二 張衡の佚文
   三 張衡佚文と『晋志』、『史記正義』 四 張衡佚文の検討

第八章 『海中占』関連文献に関する基礎的考察
   一 目録中の「海中」諸文献     二 「海中」諸文献の「海中」に対する認識
   三 『海中星占』、『海中占』の佚文  四 『海中占』の占辞の特徴
   五 「海中」の検討         附 『海中占』の輯佚

終章 本書のまとめ