Tuesday, February 20, 2018

中国古代史研究 第八:創立七十周年記念論文集



Publication Date:
November 2017

Table of Contents:


中国古代史研究会発足時の思い出 佐藤武敏

第三論文集刊行のころ 小倉芳彦


里耶秦簡の治獄について 池田雄一

統万城と代来城の地理的関係から見る匈奴鉄弗部の活動範囲 市来弘志

李柏文書の性格をめぐってー李柏文書断片群を中心に 伊藤敏雄

南陽の六門陂をめぐって 大川裕子

秦漢簡牘史料再考二題 太田幸男

中国古代国家論 楠山修作

戦国封君ー王権構造の一側面 小林伸二

刖者の力ー古代中国における門番についての一試論 齋藤道子

那珂通世の中国通史認識 佐藤武敏

中国古代の養生思想 清水浩子

殷王朝の集権機能ー武丁期を中心に 末次信行

中国古代の家族墓地ーその構成と配列について 高浜侑子

『群書治要』所引の二篇の『中論』佚文について 多田狷介

『尚書引義』にみえる王夫之の『詩経』論 富田美智江

出土資料「堪輿」考 名和敏光

古代中国における経済地理的境域区分について 原宗子

伏氏考 藤川和俊

『史記』平準書の歴史観ー八書の意図をめぐって 藤田勝久

漢代の救恤政策についてー『罷●』を中心として 藤田忠

『農言著実』からみた華北農業ー陜西省三原県農業調査記 村上陽子

放馬灘秦簡「日書」に見える音律占について 森和

中国古代における鳩の表象 矢島明希子

簡牘にみえる帰義について 山元貴尚


写真╱中国古代史研究会の歩み 佐藤佑治╱あとがき╱執筆者紹介

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Silk, Slaves, and Stupas: Material Culture of the Silk Road

Susan Whitfield

Publication Date:
March 2018

University of California Press

Following her bestselling Life Along the Silk Road, Susan Whitfield widens her exploration of the great cultural highway with a new captivating portrait focusing on material things. Silk, Slaves, and Stupas tells the stories of ten very different objects, considering their interaction with the peoples and cultures of the Silk Road—those who made them, carried them, received them, used them, sold them, worshipped them, and, in more recent times, bought them, conserved them, and curated them. From a delicate pair of earrings from a steppe tomb to a massive stupa deep in Central Asia, a hoard of Kushan coins stored in an Ethiopian monastery to a Hellenistic glass bowl from a southern Chinese tomb, and a fragment of Byzantine silk wrapping the bones of a French saint to a Bactrian ewer depicting episodes from the Trojan War, these objects show us something of the cultural diversity and interaction along these trading routes of Afro-Eurasia.

Exploring the labor, tools, materials, and rituals behind these various objects, Whitfield infuses her narrative with delightful details as the objects journey through time, space, and meaning. Silk, Slaves, and Stupas is a lively, visual, and tangible way to understand the Silk Road and the cultural, economic, and technical changes of the late antique and medieval worlds. 

Table of Contents:

A pair of steppe earrings
A hellenistic glass bowl
A hoard of Kushan coins
Amluk Dara Stupa
A Bactrian Ewer
A Khotanese plaque
The Blue Qur'an
A Byzantine hunter silk
A Chinese almana
The unknown slave

Friday, February 9, 2018

倭の五王: 王位継承と五世紀の東アジア

河内春人 (KOUCHI Haruhito)

Publication Date:
January 2018




Table of Contents:

序章 四世紀後半の東アジアー倭国「空白」の時代/

第1章 讃の使節派遣ー一五〇年ぶりの対中外交/

第2章 珍から済へ、そして興へー派遣の意図と王の権力/

第3章 倭王武の目指したものー激動の東アジアのなかで/

第4章 倭の五王とは誰かー比定の歴史と記・紀の呪縛/

終章 「倭の五王」時代の終焉ー世襲王権の確立へ

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Ancient Greece and China Compared

G. E. R. Lloyd and‎ Jingyi Jenny Zhao

Cambridge University Press

Publication Date:
February 28, 2018


Ancient Greece and China Compared is a pioneering, methodologically sophisticated set of studies, bringing together scholars who all share the conviction that the sustained critical comparison and contrast between ancient societies can bring to light significant aspects of each that would be missed by focusing on just one of them. The topics tackled include key issues in philosophy and religion, in art and literature, in mathematics and the life sciences (including gender studies), in agriculture, city planning and institutions. The volume also analyses how to go about the task of comparing, including finding viable comparanda and avoiding the trap of interpreting one culture in terms appropriate only to another. The book is set to provide a model for future collaborative and interdisciplinary work exploring what is common between ancient civilisations, what is distinctive of particular ones, and what may help to account for the latter.

Table of Contents:

Introduction G. E. R. Lloyd;
Part I. Methodological Issues and Goals:

1. Why some comparisons make more difference than others 
Nathan Sivin;

2. Comparing comparisons 
Walter Scheidel;

3. On the very idea of (philosophical?) translation 
Robert Wardy

Part II. Philosophy and Religion:

4. Freedom in parts of the Zhuangzi and Epictetus 
R. A. H. King;

5. Shame and moral education in Aristotle and Xunzi 
Jingyi Jenny Zhao;

6. Human and animal in early China and Greece 
Lisa Raphals;

7. Genealogies of ghosts, gods and humans: the capriciousness of the Divine in early Greece and China  Michael Puett

Part III. Art and Literature:

8. Visual art and historical representation in Ancient Greece and China  
Jeremy Tanner;

9. Helen and Chinese femmes fatales  Yiqun Zhou

Part IV. Mathematics and Life Sciences:

10. Divisions, big and small: comparing Archimedes and Liu Hui  
Reviel Netz;

11. Abstraction as a value in the historiography of mathematics in Ancient Greece and China  
Karine Chemla;

12. Recipes for love in the ancient world  
Vivienne Lo and Eleanor Re'em

Part V. Agriculture, Planning and Institutions:

13. From the harvest to the meal in prehistoric China and Greece: a comparative approach to the social context of food 
Xinyi Liu, Evi Margaritis and Martin Jones;

14. On libraries and manuscript culture in Western Han Chang'an and Alexandria Michael Nylan

Afterword by Michael Loewe

Saturday, February 3, 2018


麥谷邦夫 (MUGITANI, Kunio)


Publication Date:
January 2018

Table of Contents:

凡 例

第一部 道教教理思想の形成

 第一章 魏晋南北朝期の道家・道教における気
 第二章 道教的生成論の形成と展開
 第三章 『老子想爾注』と道気論

第二部 道教教理思想の諸相

 第一章 道教教理における天界説
 第二章 初期道教における救済思想
 第三章 道教における真父母の概念と孝

第三部 道教教理体系と仏教教理学

 第一章 『道教義枢』と南北朝隋初唐期の道教教理学
 第二章 道教教理学と三論学派の論法
 第三章 唐代老子注釈学と仏教
 第四章 道教類書と教理体系

第四部 唐玄宗三教思想研究

 第一章 玄宗『道徳真経』注疏における「妙本」
 第二章 玄宗と『道徳真経』注疏の撰述
 第三章 玄宗と三経御注
