Stephen F. Teiser & Franciscus Verellen
Table of Contents:
Stephen F. Teiser & Franciscus Verellen
To Our Readers / À nos lecteurs ii
Urs App, Alain Arrault, Catherine Despeux, Tiziana Lippello
In Memoriam: Monica Esposito (1262-2011) vii
Stephen F. Teiser & Franciscus Verellen
Buddhism, Daoism, and Chinese Religion 1
I Thought and Practice
FUNAYAMA Tōru 船山徹, Kyoto University
Buddhist Theories of Bodhisattva Practice as Adopted by Taoists 15
II Ritual
LÜ Pengzhi 呂鵬志, Sichuan University
The Lingbao Fast of the Three Primes and the Daoist Ritual of the Middle Prime:
A Critical Study of the Taishang dongxuan lingbao sanyuan pinjie jing 35
LAI Chi-tim 黎志添, Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Daoist Identity of the Yellow Register Retreat in the Southern Song: A Case
Study of Jin Yunzhong’s Great Rites of Lingbao 63
Stephen Bokenkamp, Arizona State University
The Early Lingbao Scriptures and the Origins of Daoist Monasticism 95
III Spells and Talismans
Eugene Wang, Harvard University
Ritual Practice without Its Practitioner?
-- Early Eleventh Century Dhaara.nii Prints in the Ruiguangsi Pagoda 127
YU Xin 余欣, Fudan University
Buddhism, Daoism and Astrology in a Medieval Chinese Talisman 163
Paul Copp, University of Chicago
Manuscript Culture as Ritual Culture in Late Medieval Dunhuang: Talisman Seals
and Ritual Handbooks 193
IV Local Religion and Popular Cults
Vincent Goossaert, Centre national pour recherche scientifique
The Daoist and Buddhist Constructions of Local Religion in Late Imperial
Jiangnan 229
Rapports de recherche / Research ReportsKUO Liying, EFEO
Rencontres franco-chinoises sur les études de Dunhuang : actualité de la
recherche et publications récentes 247
Comptes rendus / Book ReviewsJacqueline Stone
Hanano Juudoo, Tendai hongaku shisoo to Nichiren kyoogaku 259
Ochiai Toshinori
Miyai Rika & Motoi Makiko, Konzoo-ron: honbun to kenkyuu 269
Dominic Steavu
Catherine Despeux, éd., Médecine, religion et société dans la Chine
Étude de manuscrits chinois de Dunhuang et de Turfan 279
Luca Gabbiani
Shuk-Wah Poon, Negociating Religion in Modern China:
State and Common People in Guangzhou, 1900-1937 287
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Shizi: China’s First Syncretist 尸子
作者 Author:
Paul Fischer
出版社 Publisher:
Columbia University Press
出版年 Publication Year:
內容簡介 Abstract:
By blending multiple strands of thought into one ideology, Chinese Syncretists of the pre-imperial period created an essential guide to contemporary ideas about self, society, and government. Merging traditions such as Ruism, Mohism, Daoism, Legalism, and Yin-Yang naturalism into their work, Syncretists created an integrated intellectual approach that contrasts with other, more specific philosophies. Presenting the first full English translation of the earliest example of a Syncretist text, this volume introduces Western scholars to both the brilliance of the syncretic method and a critical work of Chinese leadership.
Written by Shi Jiao, China’s first syncretic thinker, during the Warring States Period of 481 to 221 BCE, Shizi is similar to Machiavelli’s The Prince in that it dispenses wisdom to would-be rulers. It stresses the need for leaders to be detached and objective. It further encourages self-cultivation and effective government, recommending that rulers maintain self-discipline, hire reliable people, delegate power transparently, and promote others in an orderly fashion. The people, it is argued, will emulate their leader’s wisdom and virtue, and a just and peaceful state will result. Paul Fischer provides an extensive introduction and a chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis of the text—outlining the importance of syncretism in Chinese culture—and explores the text’s particular features, authorship, transmission, loss, and reconstruction over time. The Shizi set the stage for a long history of syncretic endeavor in China, and its study provides insight into the vital traditions of early Chinese philosophy. It is also a template for interpreting other well-known works, such as the Confucian Analects, the Daoist Laozi, the Mohist Mozi, and the Legalist Shang jun shu.
Paul Fischer
出版社 Publisher:
Columbia University Press
出版年 Publication Year:
內容簡介 Abstract:
By blending multiple strands of thought into one ideology, Chinese Syncretists of the pre-imperial period created an essential guide to contemporary ideas about self, society, and government. Merging traditions such as Ruism, Mohism, Daoism, Legalism, and Yin-Yang naturalism into their work, Syncretists created an integrated intellectual approach that contrasts with other, more specific philosophies. Presenting the first full English translation of the earliest example of a Syncretist text, this volume introduces Western scholars to both the brilliance of the syncretic method and a critical work of Chinese leadership.
Written by Shi Jiao, China’s first syncretic thinker, during the Warring States Period of 481 to 221 BCE, Shizi is similar to Machiavelli’s The Prince in that it dispenses wisdom to would-be rulers. It stresses the need for leaders to be detached and objective. It further encourages self-cultivation and effective government, recommending that rulers maintain self-discipline, hire reliable people, delegate power transparently, and promote others in an orderly fashion. The people, it is argued, will emulate their leader’s wisdom and virtue, and a just and peaceful state will result. Paul Fischer provides an extensive introduction and a chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis of the text—outlining the importance of syncretism in Chinese culture—and explores the text’s particular features, authorship, transmission, loss, and reconstruction over time. The Shizi set the stage for a long history of syncretic endeavor in China, and its study provides insight into the vital traditions of early Chinese philosophy. It is also a template for interpreting other well-known works, such as the Confucian Analects, the Daoist Laozi, the Mohist Mozi, and the Legalist Shang jun shu.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Declarations of the Perfected 《真誥》全譯本
Part One: Setting Scripts and Images into Motion
作者 Author:
Thomas E. Smith
Publication Year:
April, 2013
Three Pines Press
作者 Author:
Thomas E. Smith
Publication Year:
April, 2013
Three Pines Press
Declarations of the Perfected is the first complete, annotated translation of the Zhen’gao, Tao Hongjing’s (456-536) masterful compilation of the Shangqing or Higher Clarity revelations, setting the stage for the heyday of medieval Daoism.
This volume presents its first part (fasc. 1-4), centering around the practice of achieving “spiritual union,” a spiritual analogue to sexual intercourse, with Perfected partners. The book is the first to examine in depth the full process of this practice—from preliminary courtship to the mechanics of the act of spiritual union, the gestation of the Perfected embryo in the body of the adept, and finally the adept’s rebirth.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
秦帝国の領土経営: 雲夢龍崗秦簡と始皇帝の禁苑
Publication Year:
始皇帝は、秦帝国を統一後死去するまでの10年間に5回もの巡幸 を行った。いわば統一後の生涯の全てを征服地への旅にあて、自ら 権威を示したのであるが、その際拠点にしたのが禁苑(皇帝の庭園 )である。旧来祭祀の場と解釈された禁苑が、帝国支配の出先であ ったこと、そしてその支配の実態を最新の出土竹簡研究によって明 らかにする。
Table of Contents:
第一章 研究の課題と方法
第1節 龍崗秦簡の実態調査からの課題
一 現地での調査
二 出土当時の実態
三 M6の埋葬者をめぐる問題
四 両雲夢秦簡の発見場所
五 竹簡の状態に関する調査と討論
六 文字の専門家との討論
第2節 龍崗秦簡をめぐる三重証拠法
一 二重証拠法と簡牘学の誕生
二 司馬遷が創建した実地考察の方法
三 遺跡の実地踏察の重要性
四 「紙上」と「地下」をつなぐ実地調査
第二章 研究史上における問題
第3節 龍崗秦簡に見る「禁中」の真義
一 古典文献に見る曖昧な「禁中」の意味
二 「宮中」の意味に限定されない「禁中」の用例
三 龍崗秦簡に見る「禁苑」と「禁中」
四 秦・漢皇室の禁区にてみな「禁中」となす
第4節 龍崗秦簡簡1号の解釈と性格
一 簡1号の釈読・解釈についての疑問
二 「池魚」は「池漁」である
三 「両雲夢」は両「雲夢官」を表す
四 「雲夢禁中」すなわち雲夢「禁苑」の考察
第三章 龍崗秦簡が出土した楚王城
第5節 楚王城の非郡県治的性格
一 楚王城郡県治説とその問題点
二 楚王城遺蹟の非郡県治的性格
三 墓葬の分布とその非郡県治的性格
四 雲夢楚王城と宜城楚皇城の比較
第6節 雲夢楚王城の二重の性格
一 楚王城雲夢離宮禁苑説の曖昧さ
二 龍崗秦簡に見る楚王城の禁苑的性格
三 雲夢禁苑を兼管する雲夢沢官
四 「秦律十八種」に見る楚王城の官署的性格
第四章 龍崗秦簡に見る禁苑の構造と皇帝の巡幸道
第7節 「禁苑(X')」の空間構造とその由来
一 「城下田」となる公田
二 自然の沼沢につながる禁苑の「池」
三 「X'地」における放牧
四 「X'」の道・猟場・墓
五 「禁苑X'地」構造の沿革
第8節 出土文字による馳道の考察
一 馳道の「奴(駑)道」
二 馳道の「甬道」
三 「馳道」の機能と管理
第五章 龍崗秦簡における「闌入」律令の考察
第9節 龍崗秦簡に見る禁苑闌入律簡の分類
一 禁苑闌入律簡
二 「持伝律」に見る禁苑の「符伝」制
三 「侵入律」の「有不当入而闌入」罪
四 「滞留律」と「当出」而「不出」の罪
五 「畜入律」と「畜産闌入禁苑」への対応
第10節 龍崗秦簡に見る「闌入」罪と関連律令
一 「竇出入」「毋符伝」という「闌入門」罪
二 「符伝」の偽造・仮藉・譲渡の「闌入門同罪」
三 「盗入」、「当出者」而「不出」の「闌入」罪
四 闌関、「馳道」闌入と畜産獣の誤入禁地
第六章 龍崗秦簡における入禁と通関の符伝制
第11節 黔首の通関と入禁の符伝制
一 「有事禁苑中者」の黔首徭役徒
二 「治園」徭役徒の「伝書」
三 「関」と「司馬門」
四 関所での「合符」と「伝書閲入之」
五 禁苑の「入司馬門久」符制と伝制
第12節 龍崗秦簡に見る「参弁(辧・辨)券」
一 簡11号の釈読と解釈の問題点
二 「参弁(辧・辨)券」の出土文字史料
三 「不幸死」者の棺具弁券説の提出
四 責任追及の証拠となる「参弁(辧・辨)券」
第七章 龍崗秦簡の律名復元と文字の特徴
第13節 「龍崗秦律」における律名の復元
一 律名の復元と龍崗秦簡の「盗律」
二 龍崗秦簡における「賊律」の復元
三 龍崗秦簡に見る「囚律」
四 龍崗秦簡における「捕律」の律文
五 龍崗秦簡に見る「雑律」
六 龍崗秦簡における「具律」の律文
七 龍崗秦簡における「徭律」「伝令」「闌令」の律文
八 龍崗秦簡における「廏律」の簡文
九 龍崗秦簡に見る「金布律」
一〇 龍崗秦簡に数多く見られる「田律」(「田租税律」「田令」を含む)
第14節 龍崗秦代簡牘における古文字の特徴
一 篆書風が濃厚な「古隷」文字
二 簡牘に現れた秦隷と小篆との共存
三 古文と「其」の古文法の使用
第八章 龍崗秦簡による周秦帝国原理への新思考
第15節 古代中国帝王の「巡幸」と「禁苑」
一 帝王の政と殷・周・秦時代の巡幸
二 祭祀巡幸による古代禁苑の変遷
三 秦朝における「禁苑」の分布・構造と機能
第16節 農耕文明を征服する帝国の原理
一 龍崗秦簡に見る秦の農―牧境界文明
二 牧畜・狩猟を重視する動物管理律
三 農業・遊牧両立の「耕戦」国策
四 動物を人格化する秦律の特徴と意義
五 中国古代農―牧境界文明の歴史的位地
付 録
Ⅰ 龍崗秦簡訳注(一〇編)
Ⅱ 龍崗秦簡写真版(釈文付き新編号順)
Ⅲ 龍崗秦簡文字編(一四巻)
Ⅳ 龍崗秦簡関連論文・書籍目録
索 引
Publication Year:
Table of Contents:
第一章 研究の課題と方法
第1節 龍崗秦簡の実態調査からの課題
一 現地での調査
二 出土当時の実態
三 M6の埋葬者をめぐる問題
四 両雲夢秦簡の発見場所
五 竹簡の状態に関する調査と討論
六 文字の専門家との討論
第2節 龍崗秦簡をめぐる三重証拠法
一 二重証拠法と簡牘学の誕生
二 司馬遷が創建した実地考察の方法
三 遺跡の実地踏察の重要性
四 「紙上」と「地下」をつなぐ実地調査
第二章 研究史上における問題
第3節 龍崗秦簡に見る「禁中」の真義
一 古典文献に見る曖昧な「禁中」の意味
二 「宮中」の意味に限定されない「禁中」の用例
三 龍崗秦簡に見る「禁苑」と「禁中」
四 秦・漢皇室の禁区にてみな「禁中」となす
第4節 龍崗秦簡簡1号の解釈と性格
一 簡1号の釈読・解釈についての疑問
二 「池魚」は「池漁」である
三 「両雲夢」は両「雲夢官」を表す
四 「雲夢禁中」すなわち雲夢「禁苑」の考察
第三章 龍崗秦簡が出土した楚王城
第5節 楚王城の非郡県治的性格
一 楚王城郡県治説とその問題点
二 楚王城遺蹟の非郡県治的性格
三 墓葬の分布とその非郡県治的性格
四 雲夢楚王城と宜城楚皇城の比較
第6節 雲夢楚王城の二重の性格
一 楚王城雲夢離宮禁苑説の曖昧さ
二 龍崗秦簡に見る楚王城の禁苑的性格
三 雲夢禁苑を兼管する雲夢沢官
四 「秦律十八種」に見る楚王城の官署的性格
第四章 龍崗秦簡に見る禁苑の構造と皇帝の巡幸道
第7節 「禁苑(X')」の空間構造とその由来
一 「城下田」となる公田
二 自然の沼沢につながる禁苑の「池」
三 「X'地」における放牧
四 「X'」の道・猟場・墓
五 「禁苑X'地」構造の沿革
第8節 出土文字による馳道の考察
一 馳道の「奴(駑)道」
二 馳道の「甬道」
三 「馳道」の機能と管理
第五章 龍崗秦簡における「闌入」律令の考察
第9節 龍崗秦簡に見る禁苑闌入律簡の分類
一 禁苑闌入律簡
二 「持伝律」に見る禁苑の「符伝」制
三 「侵入律」の「有不当入而闌入」罪
四 「滞留律」と「当出」而「不出」の罪
五 「畜入律」と「畜産闌入禁苑」への対応
第10節 龍崗秦簡に見る「闌入」罪と関連律令
一 「竇出入」「毋符伝」という「闌入門」罪
二 「符伝」の偽造・仮藉・譲渡の「闌入門同罪」
三 「盗入」、「当出者」而「不出」の「闌入」罪
四 闌関、「馳道」闌入と畜産獣の誤入禁地
第六章 龍崗秦簡における入禁と通関の符伝制
第11節 黔首の通関と入禁の符伝制
一 「有事禁苑中者」の黔首徭役徒
二 「治園」徭役徒の「伝書」
三 「関」と「司馬門」
四 関所での「合符」と「伝書閲入之」
五 禁苑の「入司馬門久」符制と伝制
第12節 龍崗秦簡に見る「参弁(辧・辨)券」
一 簡11号の釈読と解釈の問題点
二 「参弁(辧・辨)券」の出土文字史料
三 「不幸死」者の棺具弁券説の提出
四 責任追及の証拠となる「参弁(辧・辨)券」
第七章 龍崗秦簡の律名復元と文字の特徴
第13節 「龍崗秦律」における律名の復元
一 律名の復元と龍崗秦簡の「盗律」
二 龍崗秦簡における「賊律」の復元
三 龍崗秦簡に見る「囚律」
四 龍崗秦簡における「捕律」の律文
五 龍崗秦簡に見る「雑律」
六 龍崗秦簡における「具律」の律文
七 龍崗秦簡における「徭律」「伝令」「闌令」の律文
八 龍崗秦簡における「廏律」の簡文
九 龍崗秦簡に見る「金布律」
一〇 龍崗秦簡に数多く見られる「田律」(「田租税律」「田令」を含む)
第14節 龍崗秦代簡牘における古文字の特徴
一 篆書風が濃厚な「古隷」文字
二 簡牘に現れた秦隷と小篆との共存
三 古文と「其」の古文法の使用
第八章 龍崗秦簡による周秦帝国原理への新思考
第15節 古代中国帝王の「巡幸」と「禁苑」
一 帝王の政と殷・周・秦時代の巡幸
二 祭祀巡幸による古代禁苑の変遷
三 秦朝における「禁苑」の分布・構造と機能
第16節 農耕文明を征服する帝国の原理
一 龍崗秦簡に見る秦の農―牧境界文明
二 牧畜・狩猟を重視する動物管理律
三 農業・遊牧両立の「耕戦」国策
四 動物を人格化する秦律の特徴と意義
五 中国古代農―牧境界文明の歴史的位地
付 録
Ⅰ 龍崗秦簡訳注(一〇編)
Ⅱ 龍崗秦簡写真版(釈文付き新編号順)
Ⅲ 龍崗秦簡文字編(一四巻)
Ⅳ 龍崗秦簡関連論文・書籍目録
索 引
Thursday, March 7, 2013
[Dissertation] The History of a Historian: Perspectives on the Authorial Roles of Sima Qian 司馬遷
Esther Sunkyung Klein
Primary advisor:
Martin Kern
Princeton University
Esther Sunkyung Klein
Primary advisor:
Martin Kern
Princeton University
In the first century BCE, Sima Qian compiled the Shiji, a history of China from mythological beginnings to his own day. Soon after, readers of the Shiji began producing both continuations and extensive comments. This dissertation examines the changing ways in which pre-modern Chinese readers understood authorship through an analysis of their perspectives on Sima Qian. I argue that we cannot know the “real” Sima Qian: the tragic authorial figure of Sima Qian is a construction by later readers. I trace the development of this authorial construction from the Han through Song dynasties, examining readers' comments within their historical contexts. The dissertation has three parts. The first outlines Sima Qian's fortunes in the textual world of traditional China, exploring how his authorial role was seen in relation to the Classics and to historical texts (in chapter 1), as well as to literary theory and composition (in chapter 2). Chapter 3 discusses formal aspects of the Shiji and how they were considered an aspect of Sima Qian's creative authorship.
The second part juxtaposes two competing interpretations of the Shiji. Chapters 4 and 5 analyze how Sima Qian's personal tragedy was thought to relate to his work on the Shiji. Initially such motivations were viewed in a primarily negative light. It was not until the Song that the autobiographical connection came to be valorized. In chapter 6, I consider an alternative position, that the Shiji was a “true record” and how the meaning of that term changed over time. I show how this aspect of Shiji interpretation reflected and influenced traditional Chinese attitudes toward history.
The third part explores textual issues. In chapter 7, I consider three problems related to Shiji authorship that go beyond Sima Qian: the question of Sima Tan, the work of Chu Shaosun, and the idea of a damaged Shiji text. In chapter 8, I discuss issues related to the authenticity of the “Letter in Reply to Ren An,” which is often read as Sima Qian's finest autobiographical statement and a crucial interpretive key to the Shiji.
The second part juxtaposes two competing interpretations of the Shiji. Chapters 4 and 5 analyze how Sima Qian's personal tragedy was thought to relate to his work on the Shiji. Initially such motivations were viewed in a primarily negative light. It was not until the Song that the autobiographical connection came to be valorized. In chapter 6, I consider an alternative position, that the Shiji was a “true record” and how the meaning of that term changed over time. I show how this aspect of Shiji interpretation reflected and influenced traditional Chinese attitudes toward history.
The third part explores textual issues. In chapter 7, I consider three problems related to Shiji authorship that go beyond Sima Qian: the question of Sima Tan, the work of Chu Shaosun, and the idea of a damaged Shiji text. In chapter 8, I discuss issues related to the authenticity of the “Letter in Reply to Ren An,” which is often read as Sima Qian's finest autobiographical statement and a crucial interpretive key to the Shiji.
史學史 Historiography,
學位論文 Thesis,
漢代 Han dynasty
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Working for His Majesty: Research Notes on Labor Mobilization in Late Shang China (ca/ 1200-1045 B.C.), as Seen in the Oracle-Bone Inscriptions, with Particular Attention to Handicraft Industries, Agriculture, Warfare, Hunting, Construction, and the Shang's Legacies
Keightley, David N.
University of California, Berkeley
Publication Year:
Table of Content:
Preface — xi
Notes about the Sources, Citation, and Transcription Conventions — xvii
1. Introduction: The Setting — 1
2. The Work and the Workshops — 9
Bone Working: 9
Stone and Jade Working: 13
Pottery: 15
Textiles: 16
Wood Working: 17
Bronze Casting: 19
Cowries: Bone and Bronze: 26
The Emergence of Writing: 27
The Workshops: 28
The Products: 30
3. The Artisan Corps — 33
The Status of the Artisans: 33
The Duo Gong 多工: 34
"The Many Strikers": 40
Summary: 44
The Dependent Laborers of Shang: 46
A Note on Population: 48
4. The Zhong 眾 and the Ren 人 — 50
The Status of the Workers: Slave, Free, or Dependent: 53
The Differences Between the Zhong 眾 and the Ren 人: 58
5. Punishments, Human Sacrifice, and Accompanying-in-Death — 63
Possible Punishments: 63
The Qiang 羌 and Duo Qiang 多羌: A Sample Case: 66
Human Sacrifice and Accompanying-in-Death: 69
6. Labor Mobilization — 78
The Verbs for "Mobilize": 78
The Verbs for "Making an Offering": 81
7. Who Was Mobilized — 86
8. The Occupational Lineages — 92
9. Numbers — 97
Accuracy of the Figures: 99
Casualties among the Zhong 眾: 101
Casualties among the Ren 人: 104
10. Work Schedule of the Diviners — 106
Discussion: 116
11. Leadership — 119
12. The Work: Agriculture — 124
The Agricultural Context: 125
Late Shang Agriculture: 126
The Powers and the Weather: 129
Agricultural Tools: 131
The Yi 邑 and Tian 田: 132
The Peasantry and the Population: 135
Dynastic Agriculture: 136
The Ritual Dimension: 152
Opening Up New Land: 161
The Use of Fire: 166
Irrigation: 168
Conclusions: 173
13. The Work: Warfare — 174
Leadershp in Warfare: 174
Army Organization: 179
Penetration: 184
Horse-chariot Units and the Shang Army: 187
Shang Weapons: 189
Shang Military History: 190
14. The Work: Hunting — 194
15. The Work: Construction — 200
Wall Construction: 200
Rammed-Earth Construction: 203
Settlements and Buildings: 204
Temples and Other Buildings: 205
Drainage: 208
Royal and Other Tombs: 210
16. Some Elements of Ritual Concern — 214
17. The Role of Geopolitics and Culture — 220
Ancestor Worship: 220
Other Demands for Work: 226
The Role of Writing: 230
The Creation of the Ancestors: 232
18. The Legacies — 236
Keightley, David N.
University of California, Berkeley
Publication Year:
Table of Content:
Preface — xi
Notes about the Sources, Citation, and Transcription Conventions — xvii
1. Introduction: The Setting — 1
2. The Work and the Workshops — 9
Bone Working: 9
Stone and Jade Working: 13
Pottery: 15
Textiles: 16
Wood Working: 17
Bronze Casting: 19
Cowries: Bone and Bronze: 26
The Emergence of Writing: 27
The Workshops: 28
The Products: 30
3. The Artisan Corps — 33
The Status of the Artisans: 33
The Duo Gong 多工: 34
"The Many Strikers": 40
Summary: 44
The Dependent Laborers of Shang: 46
A Note on Population: 48
4. The Zhong 眾 and the Ren 人 — 50
The Status of the Workers: Slave, Free, or Dependent: 53
The Differences Between the Zhong 眾 and the Ren 人: 58
5. Punishments, Human Sacrifice, and Accompanying-in-Death — 63
Possible Punishments: 63
The Qiang 羌 and Duo Qiang 多羌: A Sample Case: 66
Human Sacrifice and Accompanying-in-Death: 69
6. Labor Mobilization — 78
The Verbs for "Mobilize": 78
The Verbs for "Making an Offering": 81
7. Who Was Mobilized — 86
8. The Occupational Lineages — 92
9. Numbers — 97
Accuracy of the Figures: 99
Casualties among the Zhong 眾: 101
Casualties among the Ren 人: 104
10. Work Schedule of the Diviners — 106
Discussion: 116
11. Leadership — 119
12. The Work: Agriculture — 124
The Agricultural Context: 125
Late Shang Agriculture: 126
The Powers and the Weather: 129
Agricultural Tools: 131
The Yi 邑 and Tian 田: 132
The Peasantry and the Population: 135
Dynastic Agriculture: 136
The Ritual Dimension: 152
Opening Up New Land: 161
The Use of Fire: 166
Irrigation: 168
Conclusions: 173
13. The Work: Warfare — 174
Leadershp in Warfare: 174
Army Organization: 179
Penetration: 184
Horse-chariot Units and the Shang Army: 187
Shang Weapons: 189
Shang Military History: 190
14. The Work: Hunting — 194
15. The Work: Construction — 200
Wall Construction: 200
Rammed-Earth Construction: 203
Settlements and Buildings: 204
Temples and Other Buildings: 205
Drainage: 208
Royal and Other Tombs: 210
16. Some Elements of Ritual Concern — 214
17. The Role of Geopolitics and Culture — 220
Ancestor Worship: 220
Other Demands for Work: 226
The Role of Writing: 230
The Creation of the Ancestors: 232
18. The Legacies — 236
Book 書介,
Paleography 古文字學,
Pre-Qin 先秦,
軍事史 Military History
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